I think most people can relate to wanting to become a better version of themselves. The mindset is progress, not perfection, but it can be hard to keep up with ways to better yourself. Here are a few ways I've found make me feel like I'm making progress towards a better version of myself!
1. Plan your day
The saying goes "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail". Although most instances are not this extreme, a little bit of planning goes a long way. At least for me, I feel de-stressed when I take five minutes to make a list of things to-do in a day. It keeps me on track and ensures I get everything done. Also, it's super satisfying to cross off tasks.
2. Visualize success
Studies show that if you can picture yourself accomplishing a task, it is more likely to happen. So, picture yourself ace-ing that test, killing that presentation, and acting confident. It'll help you step into that mindset so that when the time comes, you are better prepared to succeed.
3. Take time for yourself
Whether it be reading a book, working out, going on a car ride, allow yourself some time to be alone. This cultivates inspiration and allows you to have a hobby outside of your busy life. Setting aside some "me time" everyday can recharge you, and the positive energy will pour over into other facets of your schedule.
4. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable
This was my mantra during my freshman year of college, and it's transferred over to this year as well. I grew so much as a person when I started facing my weaknesses and working to overcome them. Growth does not come from being comfortable. We grow when we learn, and we learn from change, and change can be uncomfortable.
5. Watch TED Talks
Or any kind of inspiring video, really. These are fantastic for making you think in new ways or broadening your horizons. They can also be super inspiring to make you want to better yourself.
6. Talk less, listen more
Becoming a better version of yourself goes hand in hand with becoming a better person to other people. The people in your life are meant to be listened to, because they are there for a reason. Whether that be you learn something from them, or you are their safe place to talk about their life to, being a good listener has incredible importance. Make an effort to talk less and listen more.
7. Be a "fourth quarter" person
When a team is in the fourth quarter and things are rough, they need to be there for each other and not lose hope. Be that kind of person to other people. Be there when things are hard, when conversations are tricky, and when life is throwing punches. It's easy to be a friend when everything is going well, but true character shows when life isn't so easy.
8. Welcome mistakes
Mistakes are welcomed, it's how you'll learn. Practice acknowledging mistakes and improving from them. It's common nowadays to get caught up on mistakes and to let them ruin entire days or moods. But this is just ineffective. A better version of yourself lies on the other side of mistakes. So keep in mind that making mistakes is ok, because you will grow from them.
These are just a handful of ways to better yourself as a person. I try my best to take all of these into consideration when I begin a new day, but nobody's perfect! You can become a better version of yourself even just by taking one of these points into consideration.