We all know summer is a time to relax and forget about school, right? Wrong! Summer is the perfect time to start habits to help you out once all the stress of school rolls back around. Here are some habits to start in summer that will be far more valuable than any book you're gonna buy from anywhere but the the bookstore (seriously save yourself like hundreds of dollars with Amazon).
Waking up early(ish)
OK I know that all you want to do in the summer is sleep in, but getting on a regular sleep schedule now will make it so much easier to get up for class when Fall rolls around. Our bodies have natural rhythms that tell us when to sleep and when to wake up so figuring out how to get your rhythm in tune with your class/work schedule will help so much. Many watches and fitness trackers come with a feature that will wake you up at the most natural part of your sleep cycle, making it easier to get up. Getting your sleep schedule right now is easier since your schedule during the day is probably not as rigorous as the school year. Trust me come that first 8am class you will appreciate yourself so much for doing this.
So summer means we don't have to use our brains at all right? This might be the worst mentality you can have as a student. Read all summer. Read the crappy beach novel. Read poetry. Read articles (insert plug for Odyssey here). Read at least a few academic articles or papers. Every year that first writing assignment is always so hard because reading academic articles has become like reading a foreign language. So pick up a book or even your phone and keep reading.
Working Out
Make it a habit to build time into your day to workout is a huge step you can take for yourself. Exercise is truly one of the best therapies for depression, anxiety, and the freshmen 15. With the internet there is no excuse for not being able to find some workout that you like. Run, bike, swim, hike, lift, do yoga, do Zumba, do whatever as long as your moving. Not only will you thank yourself once the school year starts, but you will also thank yourself in 40 years when you are still healthy.
Keeping a Journal
Keeping some form of journal, whether it be writing about your day, random thoughts, doodles, or anything creative, is so important. It can help you work through your emotions and thoughts, letting you make better decisions in all areas of life. Keeping some form of journal is also a great and easy way to get your creative side active. Finally keeping a journal helps your academic performance as well, particularly your writing. When I was in high school and struggled with writing my English teacher told me this tip and it has helped immensely through my college career.
I know that summer is the time to relax and not think about or do anything, but if you just start a few healthy habits now you will be set for success come Fall.