I was inspired by a friend the other day to write this post. It's so funny how some people seem to bring out the best in us or that words they say can trigger us. Meeting up with my old friend and reconnecting always brings an overwhelming amount of joy.
Here are my recommendations to bring around better vibes!!!
1. I'm recommending being around high-quality people. Personally, I'm most joyful when I'm around people that bring me up and who love and support me. This sounds like a duh, but seriously we have all had that friend or so-called friend who really doesn't do that for us. So my number one tip would be to find friends that seek to make you rise. That tell you when your behavior needs checking. That celebrated with and for you when your accomplished something. That cry by your side when things are not right, it may be a boy, a job gone bad, a failed paper, big or small they have your back. So find yourself your girl gang. Mines small, but I have complete trust in them and that's what makes all the difference.
2. Practice being joyful. What I mean by this is if your not very happy fake it and keep PRACTICING being happy. Eventually, you will be. So how do you practice being happy?
Journal what you're thankful for.
Do a random act of kindness for someone else.
Being the bigger person.
Give people genuine compliments.
Trust me these little or simple things can brighten your day.
3. Realize that you're not alone. There are so many people around us so when you find the right ones talk to them. Get out whatever is holding you back off your chest. Tell someone you trust what's up and I'd recommending praying too. There is so much out there that's bigger than ourselves and many people can relate to you so, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice if you need it. As well try not to get too down on yourself.
4. Find peace in your heart. This doesn't mean forget what hurt you or allow a toxic person in your life but to be present and in the moment you need to settle your past. Make sure that you are forgiving to others and that you be a bigger person, to move forward.
5. Give to others. The next thing I'd recommend is to serve someone else. It always feels good after to give your time, support, a gift, or wisdom to someone that's in need of it. I know you are looking to be happier but sometimes the way to unlock this is by helping someone else so seek to always be kind to others. Only seeking more for yourself leads to selfishness and greed which ultimately never are going to leave you fulfilled.
6. Lastly, I'd recommend listening to happy music, helpful podcasts, go to church, or pick up a new exciting hobby, such a painting. Just do something that makes you feel good.
Hopefully, these tips help to make you find more happiness in your everyday life. They are simple and very Manageable if you just make the time to do them.
Best of luck girlies, xoxo