When you first start working out, it can be extremely intimidating. You freak out about who is going to be there or how many people will be there. Will there be people down by the weights or should I just stay up and do cardio...? If you have any of these thoughts, you likely suffer from "Gymtimidation". I made that up. But it's when you get super bad anxiety from working out or the thought of someone seeing you struggle through a workout.
I have a way to fix that and it's by telling yourself that you aren't the only one who has been there. Every single person in that gym has, at one point, not known what the heck they were doing or they had to read the machine to see how to work it, or they lifted to heavy and let out a huge grunt. Everyone has been there so you should be worried to workout.
I used to be intimidated to workout when I was in high school and we had to lift with the boys' track team. But that ended quickly when I realized we are all here for self improvement and we all start somewhere.
So next time you are too afraid to workout because your intimidated by the people or the equipment, remember that everyone had to start their fitness journey somewhere.