Everyone goes to the gym and sees these kind of people. Whether they make you mad or not, this list definitely resonates with all gym-goers.
1. The Runner
This one I don't really understand. Why would you miserably put yourself through running 10 miles every day?
Weird flex but ok.
2. The Kid With Invisible Lat Syndrome
The guy with no lats but has his arms out at all times. Sheesh buddy.
3. The Selfie King
I guess you do you. Just stop taking up all the mirror space for when I'm "checking my form."
4. The Social Butterfly
We all have that one friend that will not shut up at the gym. I love you, but please just let me finish this set.
(I think we all know the real problem is that I thrive off of social environments, and I'm probably the one who won't shut up.)
5. The Boys who hit Arms EVERY DAY and still think they're BIG.
There are other muscle groups, I promise.
6. The Girls who hit Legs EVERY DAY.
I know you feel the pressure to be "thick," but here's a trick! Having a bigger back is going to allow for the illusion of a smaller waist, therefore making the contrast between your butt and waist seem even bigger.
Please listen to me ladies.
7. The kid with the Jug
Did you really need all that water for your quick arm session? Nope, no you did not.
8. The Grunter
This one kills me. I don't wear headphones when completing heavier compound lifts, and I always hear the kids with the dumbbells which are too heavy for them start grunting unnecessarily. Ugh, what great sounds.
9. The Beauty Queen
Wearing all that make up to the gym isn't good for your skin. Well, if you're actually going to sweat.
10. The Sponsored Gymshark Athlete
Let's be honest. Any real gym rat knows we all want to be Gymshark Athletes. One day right?
11. People who take the Rack for 3 Hours
Yes! My favorite is when people tell you they have 2 more sets but end up taking 30 minutes. Ever heard of a limited rest?
12. The Mirror King
We're all guilty of looking in the mirror once in awhile. These people are just... obsessive.
I'm sure everyone can relate to at least one of these. That's not a bad thing, just means we're judging a little bit. (It's funny).