For as long as I can remember, I've struggled with my weight and with a healthy body image. However, as of late, I have finally found myself having an effective workout and healthy eating routine that is working for me! And not to toot my own horn, (toot, toot) but I've already lost 15 pounds! This is something I never thought I would accomplish, but honestly, now that I have I want to go to the gym every day.
I want to see my body change more and more. I'm addicted to seeing results, and believe me... you will be too! Honestly, I am probably just like you... I was always trying to find an excuse to not get into the gym every day, and saying things like "I worked out today so I can totally eat this."
But those excuses won't get you that hot summer bod will they?! So here are some motivational tips and tricks to get you to the gym, and believe me... you'll start seeing amazing results because of it. I promise.
1. Find a workout buddy.
This has been crucial for me. Before, I'd go to the gym very sporadically. However, now that I go every day with my cousin, I have a reason to get up and get ready for the gym because there is someone counting on me to be there. I'm held accountable and that truly helps me get to the gym every day.
2. Take progress photos!
I know, I know. You hear this one all the time on fitspo Instagrams everywhere, but it helps! You see, whenever I find myself getting down on myself for not seeing the results on the scale, I look back at old pictures of myself and compare the pictures to my body now. There is a difference, you don't always need to listen to the scale!
3. Create a good workout playlist.
For me, I honestly can't workout without music, and if I have a nice fast and upbeat playlist keeping me going at the gym, I am so so soo much more motivated to have a killer workout! Music is what makes the workout fun and enjoyable! No one said going to the gym had to be boring!
4. Switch up your workout routines.
Doing the same thing every day can become a burden, and BORING. So switch it up! Sometimes instead of going to the gym, go for a bike ride with friends, or take that Zumba class!
When things become a burden, you start to think up of excuses to not do them! And that summer bod won't show up on its own! So work for it, and switch up your workouts so you don't get bored of doing the same thing day in and day out!
5. Get cute workout clothes!
Honestly, this one sounds so cliche, but it works! When I have on some cute leggings and a flattering tank top, I am so much more motivated to get into the gym. I feel good about myself, and I want to continue to feel good about myself, thus, I make sure I get my booty into the gym that day!
6. Surround yourself with motivation!
There are inspirational posters, photos, and quotes all over Instagram and Pinterest, so print them out! Stick them on your refrigerator, on your mirror, in your bathroom, stick them everywhere!
They might seem stupid and cliche, but when you're tempted to dig into that ice cream carton and instead you see a motivational quote or a picture of that bikini you want to wear this summer, the cravings for that ice cream will disappear!
7. Write down your goals.
When something is written down, whether it be in a fitness journal or a sticky note on your desk, it holds you accountable! It also gives you something to look at every day to remind you why you started on your personal fitness journey! You become your own motivation.
8. Plan out your workouts.
We get twenty-four hours each day. And yes, sometimes fitting in a workout into a busy day is quite impossible. However, if you plan your workouts in advance, you set aside the time; thus, there is no reason as to why you didn't work out that day.
Plan your workouts like you do everything else in your life. When you allot the time to it, you can fit in a daily workout, I promise. And remember, a brisk walk around the block after dinner is still a workout.
9. Consider your time in the gym, "your time."
We're all human, and sometimes the hectic craziness of a day can get the best of us. But today, we aren't going to let that happen. Just think about that one hour in the gym, or that Zumba class tonight, and how well you'll feel after you complete it! It's your time to go and better yourself and not worry about anything else. Working out isn't a chore, it's time for you to take a step back from reality and focus on you.
We all can make excuses to not make it to the gym today, but don't let those excuses stop you from crushing your goals. You are amazing inside and out, and you have the power to control your progress. Yesterday you said tomorrow didn't you? So get that booty into the gym... no one ever regrets working out.
"Just believe in yourself. Even if you don't, pretend you do, and at some point you will." -Venus Williams