Oh hey there!
Yeah I am talking to you over there, staring at me in the mirror as I workout... you do realize that I can see you, right? Oh, you think just because you are on the other side of the room, looking at me through the machines, that I don't see you blatantly staring at me?
Personally, I choose to go to the gym to get away from the world, relieve stress and get a sweat in while I am at it. You, however, are in here ruining my "stress free time."
Yes, I am a woman, and hell yeah I can lift weights. Is this something so crazy and new to you? Is this unusual? No? Well then, can I please ask why it is necessary to stare?
I think my all time favorite gym pick up is when a guy asks you to spot him...
I mean really, are you serious? You ask one of the only humans in here smaller than you to spot you? Like, do you even feel safe with me spotting you? Because I know I don't feel safe managing the heaviest weights your manly man self can hold.
Some people will say to me, "Dude, you always look so pissed when you work out!" Well yeah, I have been told that I have a resting bitch face in the gym. Only because the male population can't keep their cool when they see a girl working out next to them. So yes I have a "bitch face," but that is all because of you.
So, to the women working out at the gym, my advice to you is keep that resting bitch face, groan when the workout gets rough and be as bold as you want to be! If others want to stare, give them something to stare at.
And to the men working out at the gym, its really simple... stop being a creep!
You don't realize how many women hate going to the gym, because you want to stare as they workout. There are women only gyms, because those situations can be so uncomfortable and discouraging. It sucks being uncomfortable when you're working out. We already have people telling us to be aware of "how we dress" and "walking alone at night", now you make working out a burden...
Ask yourself how many men only gyms there are in your area...
The gym is my getaway, so from a woman who wants to enjoy her workout, please cut the creepy shit out, and focus on your own workout!
xoxo, SK