Guys, just put the sunscreen on. It does wonders to your skin and will save your life.
1. You don’t want to look old.
Sunscreen protects your skin from the UVA and UVB waves that cause premature aging and burning. Who wants to look 40 when you just turned 30?
2. Prevents skin cancer.
You heard this many times from T.V. commercials and doctors. Sunscreen DOES prevent skin cancer if you put it on correctly. Just applying it once a day is not going to protect you.
3. It’s in your moisturizers.
If you wear a moisturizer then most likely there’s sunscreen in it. If you’re not wearing one or if yours doesn’t have it, look for one with an SPF of 15 or higher in it
4. Better looking skin.
A few years ago an Australian studied showed that people who wore sunscreen regularly had better looking skin with little sign of aging.
5. There’s ones that don’t have fragrance.
Like it's mentioned in the title, just put the sunscreen on.