Dear Guy Best Friends,
I don't even know how I can say all that you deserve to hear in this letter to you, but I hope you at least can get the point of the message that I am trying to send out to you.
Thank you so much-- that's the best way that I can start this. I remember the first time I talked to most of you guys and knew right then and there that this was my group. The girls from high school can say what they want about me having mostly guy friends, but we all know that I have been entirely thrown into the "bro zone" by you and I love every moment of it. Thank you so much for treating me like "one of the guys" and just letting me be me. The times that I have spent with you are better and far more important to me than many times I have spent with other girls just talking about people and being overly dramatic about everything.
Thank you for taking the time to actually get to know me as a person and loving me for who I am. In a world like we have today there are so many judgmental people who can never just love you for the person that you are, you're expected to look and act a certain way depending on which group of people you're with, but with you guys it's not like that at all. It's a judge free- strictly fun zone. You all have taken the time to learn who I am as a person, whether you think you have or not.
Thank for you being my older brothers, even though some of you are younger than me. Or thank you for being my fake boyfriend when I feel uncomfortable somewhere with random guys coming up to me. Throughout high school and even now that we aren't all together I feel so safe because I know that if I have any problems I have the most amazing, protective group of guys behind my back to help me out.
You guys have given me a friendship that I can not describe to others, I have spent more time with most of you than I have with my girl friends simply because I know its a drama free zone when I am with you. For everything that you have done for me; accepted my weirdness, loved me for me, saying " I love you" even when I have to force you and most importantly making me feel so included I thank you all so much, I can't possibly say it enough.
Your Girl BFF