As the only girl growing up in a house with three brothers, I like to think that I know the ins and outs of being "one of the boys".
Having brothers has definitely benefited me and has been an advantage over the girls who don't.
I know how to take a joke and can roast a boy worse than he can come at me. I'm knowledgeable when it comes to sports and I enjoy being outside. Shoot, I'll even pick up a gaming controller every now and then. I have always gotten along with boys better than girls. I have always had male best friends and been invited to hang out with just the boys.
Being "one of the boys" is awesome.
You get the scoop on how they think and what makes boys mad. Being "one of the boys" also means you're that one girl-friend that girlfriends don't mind their boyfriend being around. No drama and you're hardly ever sitting around doing nothing. (It also helps me hang with a boy I have a crush on because I don't act as awkward.)
However, being "one of the boys" is great until you're LITERALLY a bro.
Once you're considered a bro, you're automatically in the friend zone. Getting out of the bro friend zone is like crawling out of your own grave. Your guy friends totally think you're hot but in a way that you could never be together. "It's different with you."
Although being friends with boys can be a struggle, I would never trade my brothers or best guy friends for anything.