To my guy best friend,
Thank you. Thank you for showing me that not all guys are the same. Thank you for growing up with me. Thank you for being there when nobody else was. Most of all, thank you for saving me. Thank you for saving me from a lifetime of self-doubt and loathing. My female friends were constantly competing and making fun of others as a way to have a good time. You taught me what friendship was really about. You taught me that sometimes video games are more important than other things and sometimes a hug really does make everything better. Most importantly you taught me to believe in myself. You were my number one supporter when it came to anything I loved. You told me “everything is gonna be okay” and I was able to believe you because I knew that YOU were the one that was gonna make everything okay.You stayed up until 12:00am to wish me a happy birthday. You sent me many pictures of your dog when I was sad because you knew they cheered me up. When I was sad you were there for me whether it be in person or on the phone. You showed me that it really is about the little things in life. I never thought that my fondest memories would have both you and our families in them. Thank you. Thank you for making me play Call of Duty. Thank you for making me build things outdoors. Thank you for making me try. You made me try my hardest at anything I did because if I didn’t you would sure let me know. Thank you for giving me the privilege of having a guy best friend who was neither like a brother nor like a significant other. Thank you for making me feel like one of the guys and like the strongest girl on Earth. You never doubted my abilities and you never made me feel like I was competing for your friendship like so many of my female “friends” did.
You gave me the privilege of basically having two families. At times I swore to myself I liked your sister more than I liked my own. Your mother hugged me every time she saw me and our families were constantly asking us about each other. Two people could not have been more perfect for each other than we were. Not in a cute romance kind of way where we were truly destined to fall in love, but in a real-life kind of way. In a way that made people wonder how we got along so well without fighting or killing each other. In a way that made it almost impossible to not be with you at least three or more times a week. In a way that made you wonder where this person has been all of your life. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for being the greatest best friend a girl could ask for.