10 Unspoken Rules All Gustavus Adolphus Students Know And Follow | The Odyssey Online
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10 Unspoken Rules All Gustavus Adolphus Students Know And Follow

Only Gusties can relate to #5.

10 Unspoken Rules All Gustavus Adolphus Students Know And Follow
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It doesn't matter whether you are a current student at Gustavus Adolphus College or alumni. At this school, there are a few unspoken rules that only current and past students would know. Whether it be a "nickname" for a building or what's on the caf's menu on a particular day...if you know, you know.

1. Norelius Hall is called "Coed."

This dorm is (for me) the place to be freshmen year and if you call it by its real name......you 100% don't go here.

2. Evelyn Young Dining Room is called "The Caf."

With this comes the term, "caf sitting," which is where you sit in The Caf for hours on hours just hanging out with friends or doing homework.

3. Don't sit in my spot in The Caf.

There's an unspoken rule that groups of people have their own table/spot in The Caf and sits there for every meal.

3. Wearing your lanyard around your neck = first-year.

So if you don't want to be easily pointed out, don't do it.

4. Fridays = gyro and cream cheese wonton day in The Caf.

This, my friends, is by far the best day at The Caf....hands down!!

5. Christmas season = C in CC season.

You know Christmas season is about to start when Christmas in Christ Chapel rolls around.

6. Also, don't tell people in C in CC that you're stressed.

I mean I understand that during this time, three weeks before finals, we're all stressed but imagine having hours of rehearsal on top of it......like no thank you.

7. People really don't use trays.

People really don't use trays in the caf.....we use them to slide down the hill.

8. Death Hill.

We know exactly where it is and how easy it is to fall down that stupid hill.

9. Confer and Vickner are combined and called "ConVick."

It's pretty much just one big hall so might as well combine the name.

10. Taking pictures by the sign with your friends in the spring.

Specifically when the trees are in bloom.

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