Recently, my aunt and I were talking about America's gun problem and how things would be different if gunpowder never existed. Would we still be so far in technology if it was never found and be put to use? Would other things not have been found or created?
How would war be fought, if not for guns? Well. . .
4. Sneak Attack
You can't hear me coming. Maybe we would have music that followed us, you Jaws? Dunnun. Dunnun. Dunnun Dunnun. SURPISE! Jaws.
All I'm saying is, ever since gunpowder was created, there has been a problem.
But not just a general problem, a problem in the United States.
There would be no fear of going to class. There would be no police gun-brutality. There would be no parents, siblings, children not coming home because they were shot.
There IS a problem. Why is the United States ignoring this? Other countries don't even come close to have a drop of what we do. Our gun violence would be the ocean, other countries? Not even a glass of water.
Sorry, you can't tell me we don't have a problem when we've had more shootings in the past year than the UK has in 10.
Yes, I know it is the second amendment, the right to bear arms, but why should you, a local person, be able to buy the same type of gun that a person who is trained to use in the military? Sorry, but that doesn't make me or my fellow peers feel safe. How can you feel safe with a gun with that type of power; power that the military uses, in your neighborhood, let alone household?
Let's get real now. Your guns are not more important than someone's life.