There has been a lot of controversy these past few years over the second amendment and whether it should stay where it is or if we should implement some type of gun control. Basically, every argument in regards towards this topic is summarized by one of two terms, either "guns kill people" or "people kill people." While many people support one side of the argument over the other, it is often associated with their political affiliation and which party they identify as a part of. With this being the case, I'd like to first address concerns with political parties and their association with not only this topic, but all political topics before I justify as to why I believe people should continue to maintain the right to own guns.
A major problem that seems to occur in politics today would be the liberal/democratic views versus the conservative/republican, and the arguments and accusations they have allowed for people from one party to make about the other. What I believe many people lack to understand about political parties - or sides of the political spectrum - that are different from theirs is that these people still have the same end goals as those you have. Today, the two major sides in politics seem to have turned their back to one another, claiming that one side is nearly considered "evil" and has rather negative motivations for our country, versus people on the other side of the political spectrum. What people don't really understand about this is that they aren't any more evil for being on one side of the political spectrum rather than the other; they simply think that the ideas proposed by that side of the spectrum better suits for the overall well-being of our country. Neither side is bad or has worse end-goals for our country, rather they just believe the approaches they support would better lead us to the betterment of our country. With this being said, I believe that citizens of the United States having the right to own guns would lead to a better future for our country than not.
There have been an overwhelming amount of shootings lately, which I can't express my sorrows enough for. However, although guns may have lead to this horrible end result, I believe that if someone was crazy enough to shoot up a place and didn't possess a gun, they'd use a number of other means to bring forward the result they would have with the shooting anyways. Being a 20-year-old college student from New York State, it's not very common that I maintain conservative and republican views on this issues, but since I do, I would like to point out something I've seen as a result of the liberal media.
Both sides of the media put a little twist on their stories, or expose cases to the public to better support their ideologies. I'm not by any means saying the conservative media hasn't done similar actions, but I thought this was interesting to point out. The liberal media has brought forward attention to almost all mass shootings they possibly could, which reinforces the idea that guns should not be a right to those in the United States. However, what they have lacked to provide us with are the cases in which guns have done the saving. Recently, there was a fight in a nightclub in South Carolina where a man ended up pulling out a gun and started shooting. While this brought forward the potential of another mass shooting, leading to casualties and many injured, it didn't result in that. Another man that was in this nightclub at the time had a concealed weapon, at which this time he used only as a means of protection to stop the shooter from causing any more harm. Oddly enough, the liberal media hasn't publicized this story in which a man who rightfully owned a concealed weapon used it for good.
There have been an overwhelming amount of other cases in which guns have been used for good. I believe that the right to own guns should be kept to where it is. With this being said, I do believe that the access to ownerships of guns must be limited and a very tedious process, as it is not something that should be taken lightly. While everyone should have the right to own guns, I believe it would still be necessary to go through several background checks, criminal records, health records, etc. before allowing anyone to possess a gun. But people of the United States deserve the right to own guns.