If you Google "gun control" on the Internet, the first thing that comes up is a Wikipedia definition, "Gun control (or firearms regulation) refers to laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms. Some of these regulations attempt to control crime or reduce the harmful effects of violence. They vary greatly around the world."
Nowhere in the definition of this statement does the phrase "take away" appear. Gun control laws are not there to take away your guns, just to regulate them. This is not saying you can't buy a gun; it's saying let's be a little safer about the process we use for giving guns to people.
If you're a normal, sane person wanting a gun for self-defense, hunting, range shooting or other activities that will not harm innocent individuals, then gun control laws will not affect you. You should have no problem obtaining your gun license and a gun. Now, if you're having difficulties getting past the securities of obtaining a gun, then maybe you shouldn't have one in the first place.
Don't come in and start retelling the age-old argument that having a gun is our "constitutional right." Yes, thank you, I also had to memorize the Bill of Rights in high school as well. However, there was once a time when the government thought that a black person could be counted as three-fifths of a person. Or the fact that it wasn't until the 19th Amendment that women were allowed the right to vote (that's a good 17 amendments after the gun one). So maybe the order of our amendments shouldn't be your soundest argument for being against gun control laws.
And if you really want to talk about the history behind the Second Amendment, then you would know this. If you actually did bother to read that history book in high school, you would know that the amendment was ratified in the first place because the colonists wanted the right to have guns in their households for hunting and self-protection during the American Revolutionary War. During this time, there were laws in the colonies that required that the heads of households (including women) had to own a gun for protection and that able-bodied men needed to enroll in the militia with their own personal firearms. As we all know, that's not the case now.
Another argument people bring up is that guns can be obtained on the black market, so what does it matter if legal guns are regulated? Stop right there. That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Just because there is an alternative way for people to obtain guns does not mean we should just let anyone obtain a gun legally. That's like saying, "A kid can climb over a bear enclosure, so let's just not put a fence up anyway and hope for the best." Let's make it a little harder for them to obtain guns rather than just sitting around and waiting for something to happen.
Your arguments become pointless when we watch the news and see things like Sandy Hook, about 3,000 shootings a year in Chicago, the death of Christine Grimmie and the Orlando mass shooting.
Gun control is not what's scary; your adamant fight against it is.