Guilty Snapchats | The Odyssey Online
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Guilty Snapchats

We have all taken them.

Guilty Snapchats

Everybody knows that one person who is absolutely obsessed with Snapchat. After this app came to the surface no one could leave it alone. At the beginning, it was a very cool way to document what you were doing and send photographic evidence of your whereabouts to your close friends and family. But, as it grew more popular people began to use it for other purposes such as filtering their face with a dog filter to send cute pictures, send out attempted fitspiration food snaps and thousands of other ridiculous snaps that we are all 100% guilty of taking at some point, at least I know I am. So, here are some of the snapchats we all hate seeing on our timeline but are absolutely guilty of.

Anything Edible

Any meal in front of us deserves to be Snapchatted, whether it’s a gourmet salad, Chic-Fil-A nuggets with a side of Chic-Fil-A sauce or last nights left over Chipotle, it will be snapped and sent.


This is the classic. Everyone has sent a picture of their Starbucks drink, I don’t understand why, but it will just always be a thing.

The “just woke up” selfie

Ahh…the infamous “I just woke up so I’m going to respond to everyone who sent me a snap while I was asleep a selfie to let them know I was asleep.” These also make for great screenshots.

Videos of our dancing moms

When Fancy or Gold Digger comes on and your mom simply thinks she is one of your friends and starts making some strange movements… there’s no other choice but to capture it and make sure that it is safely saved to your phone before sending it to your top best friends on snap.


Since filters came out, Snapchat has definitely been the reason my battery drains so fast. We can all agree we have spent much more time than necessary on making sure we choose the right filter, which almost always ends up being the overused puppy filter.

The just got ready selfie

This one is all about the lighting. The lighting is an essential part of whether or not it makes the cut to be posted onto your Snap story. This is also a time-consuming Snapchat because you really are trying to let your people know you’re ready to take on whatever the day or night throws at you.


Last but not least, the ‘Outfit of the Day’ has always been an essential part of Snapchat. The acceptable way to send a mirror selfie and get away with it. I think we can all agree these snaps range from 0-100. We are either bumming it or dressed to the 9’s, it really just depends on what day it is and who we are going to be seeing, am I right?

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