Gentlemen, we all know that treating women with genuine respect should not be a granted luxury, but a standard. Ladies, if your man is treating you any less, raise your standards. Treating women with respect is the basis of what it means to be a gentlemen, man of God and for those wearing letters, the values of your fraternity personified. Don’t be surprised if all of the sudden, your love life takes a turn for the best by following these 10 easy tips to improving yourself around your ladies.
1.Do not walk in front of her or directly behind her
This seems simple, but you would be surprised how many women notice a man who walks in front of them or right behind them. Indeed, you may not realize what you are doing is not appropriate, but either walking beside them and allowing them an extra step is the proper way. Women naturally feel safer and in control of where they are going subconsciously. In times where you are on the side walk, you will always walk beside her with yourself positioned closest to the street. This helps her feel comfortable and protected by you from any dangers the street or road may present.
2. Always open the door for them and others
Easy right? Open the door for them. This means every door, including making the trek around your car to open the door for them. But why? It’s simply a sign of respect and courtesy. Now this can be invalidated if you only open and hold the door open for her. Women want to feel like their gentlemen respects not just them but all people. Open and hold the door open for everyone coming and going. If you are going in with someone else holding the door open, take charge and take the guy’s place.
3.Get off your phone
There is no greater turn off than being on your phone around your lady. This is extremely difficult especially during this time we live in. We live on our phones constantly checking Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. However, on the flipside, there is no greater appreciation a woman can have for her gentleman than the idea that they have their guy’s absolute unconditional attention. There should be nothing else that matters. It can wait!
4.Stop taking them to bars and “Netflix and chill”
Look, we all love going to Fry or whatever bars you go to and getting crazy with our significant others. Nothing says badass than having a drinking contest with your girl. Yes, Netflix is very convenient, and yes we can “chill,” but come on, guys. There is a beautiful world out there. Eventually it will get old and they will begin to believe you are just a basic guy (not good)! Here are a few things to do instead:
Go Dancing (Billy Bob's, Red River, etc)
Mini Golfing
Visit an animal shelter
Volunteer at a soup-kitchen or Children’s Hospital
Thrift Shopping
5. Control your drinking
Be creative! Your creativity will show your innovation, which can relate to other parts of your personality and greatly increase your appeal. No girl loves a drunk. A man who is self-discipled and responsible is one who can be counted on. If you spend your nights constantly at the bars or drinking on the weekends, it seems like that is all you want to do. Also, you appear sloppy and undisciplined, which is not a good perception upon women. If you are going to drink, dress appropriately. Go out in a button up and some nice pants with some nice shoes. Drink from a glass! Draft beer and drinks on the rocks offer a classier perception. Avoid bottles, cans and red solo cups. If your girl is drinking, always be one drink behind meaning “do not get as drunk or more drunk than she does.” Find a good cut off for both of you so that you guys get home safely. Clearly, do not drive drunk! Find a cab and pay for it! Sure you can call a friend for a ride, but if you do not have money to afford a cab, you should probably not be out drinking with your girl in the first place.
6.Compliment Her Once a Day
After the first few months of a relationship, we may sometimes forget that we need to keep her interest. We get into this comfort zone where we believe that we no longer need to compliment her or call her beautiful, etc. Yeah, that is a definite no! Don’t be afraid to just compliment her hair, her shoes or her smile. It means so much to her if she feels appreciated. A compliment a day can go such a long way!
7. Family Man
Nothing is more appealing to a woman than a man who treats their family with respect and love. They treat their mom as good, if not better, than they treat their girlfriend, respect their father, show appreciation for siblings and of course give their grandparents a call every once in awhile. Now note, if this is not an important attribute for your lady, you should probably break it off. If your girl finds this the most important attribute you possess, start looking for engagement rings. Family is always first.
8. Ask questions
Now before you going off asking for your girl’s social security number, asking too many questions can be annoying. Simply ask a couple of random questions every single day about her. Get to know everything about her personality and character. For example, ask her what her favorite flower is, her favorite type of music, is the dress blue or gold, ball is life, right? After a while ask more serious questions and get to know her. She will feel like you are trying to get to know her, which shows you genuinely care about her interests.
9.Dress to Impress
I said earlier while you go out drinking, you should dress appropriately. Now if you are going out with your lady, don’t dress like a straight up scrub. Keep it simple, but genuine. If you need an idea, you should dress as if you were going to meet or see her parents every single day. Don’t go out in a t-shirt and raggy shorts with some tennis shoes. If you are going to class, wear whatever you want, but if you are just going to the mall, hanging out at the Square or eating at Crooked Crust, just dress as if you are trying to impress her. Wear a nice button up shirt or polo shirt. Some T-shirts are nice, but make sure they are not wrinkled and raggedy. Blue jeans and chinos are great as well as nice 5-inch shorts (again not wrinkled or raggedy). Shoes should be clean and tidy. Also please, if you have clothes that don’t fit you, do not wear them! Just don’t do it!
10. Limit the cursing
We are in college and yes we tend to let our mouths drift off and say some nasty things. If you want to be a true gentleman, attempt to control your language, especially around ladies. The best way to do this is to think before you say anything as if your Grandma was sitting right next to you. To a lady, a guy with a dirty mouth is not that appealing. Talk articulately, clearly and with passion especially when talking about her and her interests.
11. Speak Articulately and Intellectually
It is easy to fall into the jargons and lingos that make up an American society. We often fail to enunciate or articulate what we say. Based on perception, those who fail to articulate what they say come off as idiotic, unintelligent and just plain dumb. Whatever the case may be, it is best to talk smoothly, enunciate every word that comes out of your mouth. Have conversations that surround topics that are interesting such as politics, current events, entertainment and music. Research new topics and open your mind to new experiences so when the time comes to communicate with a young lady, you have a repertoire of topics to discuss and show off your intellect and opinions. If your opinions disagree, avoid confrontation and respect her point of view and agree to disagree. Remember intelligence is the root of an ideal gentleman.
There are many other ways to be a true gentleman, but the most important rule is to always treat them as if they were your sister or mother. Don’t do it because it is the right thing to do, do it because it should be the only thing to do. Be understanding, respectful and be the gentleman that you are supposed to be.