It is not uncommon for a sports team to have a signature phrase, or a slogan that motivates their players. A few classic examples are “go big or go home” or “dedication + motivation = success”. The Hamline baseball team is structured on six pillars; six words that the team lives by each day. Not only are these six words important on the baseball field, but they can be applied to everyday life. With finals coming up, staying motivated can be very difficult, but embracing these six simple words and can help anyone achieve their educational goals.
Hustle - Never being satisfied with where you are at. No matter how much studying you have embraced, more can always be done. It’s easy to fall into a simple studying routine, but putting that extra work in can make a big difference in your final grade. Don’t settle until you are the master of your craft, and once that’s achieved, strive for even more.
Enthusiasm - Having a genuine excitement for school. Finals week can be very stressful and emotionally painful at times, but it’s important to enjoy the process. The work you’re putting in now will not go unnoticed in the future. Having a genuine excitement for your education will only help you in the long run.
Intensity - Complete focus on your task. It’s easy to get distracted by friends, social media outlets, or other priorities in your life. The key is to go into finals week with a clear focus, and to put yourself into an environment where you are most likely to succeed. Turn your phones off, and bury yourselves in a book in the library.
Discipline - Doing the things most people don’t think matter. What are other people doing to get ahead that you’re not doing? There might be topics or terms that are easy, which you don’t feel the need to study. Study them anyways, you never know if they are going to matter or not.
Communication - An exchange of information to reach a desired goal. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, or get help with a tutor or a friend. Your professors are a great source for help, so don’t be afraid to use them. The stress level is also pretty high during this time, so talking with people to keep your sanity can be pivotal at times.
Loyalty - Putting the finals first in your decisions and actions. Sometimes all you wanna do is quit, and go hang out with friends or other recreational activities. Stay loyal to your studies, because that’s what will pay off in the long run. Saying no to your friends sucks, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do. I’m sure they will understand.
These six words, and the definitions that the Hamline baseball team attributed to them can help you go far in your studies. Motivation is key in most aspects of life, so don’t let others work harder than you.