Chakras are concentrated points of energy located within the human body. They have a lot of influence on our physical and mental well-being and remind us to keep ourselves healthy and in balance.
Here is a brief explanation of the seven chakras and how to balance them when they feel off-balance.
7th Chakra: Sahasrara (The Crown Chakra)
This Chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with the divine and the spirit essence in each human being.
It is linked to the psychic center, connection to divine and spiritual/mental wellbeing. This regulates consciousness, spirituality, imagination and wisdom.
Problems associated with an off-balance crown chakra include headaches, depression and learning disorders.
How can you balance it?
Wear amethyst, eat figs and surround yourself with violets.
This particular one is represented by a pink lotus and is known as the thousand-petaled lotus.
I am guided by my inner wisdom. I am at peace, whole and balanced. I honor my body as the temple that nourishes my soul.
6th Chakra: Ajna (The Third Eye Chakra)
Located between the eyes and associated with inspiration, self-realization, and intelligence.
It is linked to self-reflection and mindfulness and regulates intuition, thoughts, and dreams.
Bad eyesight, nightmares, confusion and hormonal imbalances are signs of an unbalanced third eye.
How to balance?
Wear azurite crystals, use lavender oils and connect with the indigo night sky.
The 6th chakra is represented by a 2-petal indigo lotus.
I am guided by my inner wisdom. I listen to my intuition every day. I trust that my life is unfolding exactly as it should.
5th Chakra: Vishuddha (The Throat Charka)
The throat chakra is located at the cervical spine behind the throat and is associated with a balanced flow of thought, independence and communication.
Linked to self-protection, truth, and communication of wants, the throat chakra regulates leadership, expression, and communication.
When this one is out of balance you may feel a lack of creativity, have mood swings, a sore throat, mouth ulcers and hearing problems.
How to balance?
Eat blueberries, wear lapis-lazuli and connect with the ocean.
The throat chakra is represented by a 16-petal blue lotus flower.
I express my feelings easily and freely. I own my power and feel fully alive. I am calm and confident.
4th Chakra: Anahata (The Heart Chakra)
Associated with love, compassion and devotion, the heart chakra is located behind the heart.
The heart chakra is linked to creativity, self-respect, and the female reproductive system and is regulating compassion, love and safety.
Disconnection, hopelessness and addictions are signs of an off-balanced heart chakra. Physically you may have asthma, lung diseases and heart conditions.
How to balance?
Eat green vegetables, energize your space with a green environment and wear jade.
I give love and love comes back to me. I love myself in every area of my life. I deserve love, happiness and prosperity. My emotions are balanced and in harmony with my energy.
3rd Chakra: Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Located at the lumbar spine behind the naval, this chakra often is associated with fear, anxiety and expansiveness.
Linked to power, control, willpower and self worth the solar plexus chakra regulates fears, gut feelings and sense of power.
Stomach pain, diabetes, anxiety, fear of rejection and indecision are signs of an off-balanced solar plexus chakra.
Balance the Solar Plexus by wearing yellow citrine crystal, adding lemon to your water and decorate environment with yellow.
The solar plexus chakra is represented by a yellow 10-petal lotus flower.Affirmation:
I fully enjoy everything that I do. I am a powerful, magnificent and radiant being of light. I value and trust myself fully. I am enough.
2nd Chakra: Svadhisthana (The Sacral Chakra)
Creativity, joy and enthusiasm are associated with the sacral chakra, located at the sacrum.
The sacral chakra regulates confidence, creativity and sexuality and is linked to creativity, joy and enthusiasm.
When your sacral chakra is off balance you may feel back pain, low sex drive, urinary and digestive problems. Also, you may feel shy, a lack of creativity and intimacy issues.
Wearing orange clothing, surrounding your space with orange and adding orange to your food can help balance the sacral chakra.
Represented by a 6-petal orange lotus flower.
I am open to receive all that life offers. I am creative in all areas of my life. I forgive the past and embrace my life fully. I am open to receive all that life offers me.
1st Chakra: Muladhara (The Root Chakra)
The root chakra is the basis of all points and is located at the base of the tail bone. It is associated with physical identity and ambition.
It is linked to truth, self protection and basic instincts including sex, money and survival. This chakra is often thought of as the focus on material needs and the worries about earthly things. Thus, regulated by security, survival, instincts and sensuality.
When off balance fatigue, insomnia, immunes disorders, self-esteem issues are emotional anger are common.
How to balance?
Surround yourself with the color red, wear a garnet stone and eat red berries.
The 1st chakra is represented by a 4-petal red lotus flower.
I accept all of the abundance in my life. I nourish my mind, body and spirit. I have enough. I know enough. I have everything that I need for an abundant life. I am fully grounded.