Summer Classes, the necessary evil in most students lives. The difference between summer classes in high school compared to college, is the need factor. In high school, I took summer classes in order to get unwanted classes done in a shorter amount of time. Health, that class for me was heath. However in college, the need changes.
I'm currently taking summer classes in order to graduate in three years as planned. Friends of mine are taking summer classes to graduate in four years. Our college systems are putting inept pressure on us to graduate in a certain amount of time that we are wiling to put ourselves through the struggle and headache of summer classes.
Summer classes range from two weeks out of the summer to eight weeks. I know that the two weeks can sound ideal, not as long in a classroom. Personally, the eight weeks is ideal due to the unneccessary pressure that sitting in a classroom for six hours a day does to a college student adapted to two hours.
Summer classes are not all bad, don't get me wrong, it is really nice getting classes out of the way in order to move ahead, The hours of homework every night when I could be binge watching Netflix during my summer vacation, that makes me upset. This is a good way to teach yourself time management. Obviously, homework has to be top priority, therefore, it is important to set up study times and zones and Netflix times and zones.
Each class period is the equivalent of five class periods during the traditional semester. Falling behind is not an option. It is crucial that the professor and yourself have an open form of communication so that if there are any confusions or misunderstandings they can be resolved quickly and efficiently. Same goes with your classmates, have atleast one friend in you class that you can as questions and vice versa if they have questions.
Plan breaks, for the good of yourself and of everyone around you, plan breaks. Plan times to explore where you are even if you have lived there your whole life, find a new street and take a walk. Schedule in your Netflix binge that way you don't feel guilty when you hit next episode, well, as guilty... Allow yourself to enjoy your summer break as much as you can when your GPA hangs over your head.
Anyways, summer classes can be a drag but for many people they really need it. Besides, you could always go to a different place for your summer classes, get you out of your typical everyday life and into a differnt enviroment. That would give you ample opprotunity to explore and take breaks!