Guide To Girls' Group Chats | The Odyssey Online
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Guide To Girls' Group Chats

Everything you do (and don't) want to know.

Guide To Girls' Group Chats

If you, like me, have a close-knit group of friends, chances are you have some sort of group chat where you stay in contact with each other 24/7. Girls group chats are some of the most informative pieces of writing you can get your hands on, but there's also a plethora of things that go on in a group chat. So for those of you outsiders, here's a crash course of what goes on in girls' group chats.

1. Fashion Advice

I went to a Catholic high school, so before any sort of dress down day, my group chat would be filled with pictures of different possible outfits choices (honestly, this only lasted about a month since there comes a point where senior girls really don't care anymore). This picture-sending-asking-for-advice routine applies to any formal event, dances, banquets, even just going out to dinner in Princeton. It's like having your friends with you while shopping, but it's quieter and less crowded in the fitting room.

2. Making Plans

Trying to find a time when everyone is free can be exhausting, but thankfully there's one central location where we can (attempt) make plans that work for everyone.

3. Selfies

There comes a time in every girl's life where everything looks good; your hair, the winged eyeliner you spent 20 minutes working on, that brand new Kylie lip kit that ate a good portion of your paycheck, and you're really feeling yourself! But it was all in good fun, and you don't actually have anywhere to go. Instead of putting all that hard work to waste, you take some fire pictures and send them to the group as a "Hey, I can look like a normal human being sometimes!"

4. Weird Body Stuff

Let's be honest, the human body is weird. What goes on is inside is even weirder. And there are some things that maybe talking to your mom about would be slightly uncomfortable. So you consult your mini group of specialists, who will stalk through WebMD to find an answer or have personal experience to offer up as help. It's fast, easy, and saves you from the extremely awkward moment of asking an adult why this does that.

5. Guys

This one is kind of a no brainer. It makes sense that a group of girls will find and have a lot to say about guys. Celebrities, that random Tinder guy, the kid you never looked twice at in high school who all of a sudden got attractive, the cashier who was totally flirting with you (or was he?), no guy is off limits.

6. Caption Ideas

Half of the fun of Instagram is the captions, and sometimes you have serious writer's block. Sending the picture with a quick SOS text rallies in the troops to get their creative juices flowing. They're also a good group to bounce ideas of off, since they'll tell you straight up that no, that caption makes no sense/is corny/makes you sound stupid.

7. Complaining

This I believe is the main point of group chats. Whether it be work, parents, or just life in general, if you have an issue with something, I guarantee it'll turn into a 10 message rant about that topic. Leaving for college soon, everyone is getting testy and always has something to complain about, so these days my group chat is some sort of monologue about how a boss sucks, parents are annoying, and the worries of college life. And there are always open ears ready to agree.

8. Gossip

I'm not proud of it, and make an active effort to not talk about other people, but I'm not perfect, and some things are just too good to not talk about. You offer up something you know, someone says what they heard, and then you give your unnecessary opinion on the whole situation. It's a cycle, that as much as you try to end, repeats itself.

9. Fighting with Each Other

When you're close with a group of people and talk all the time, there's gonna be times where someone says something at a bad time that just really grinds your gears and you snap. It's never any serious fight, and they're usually made up within a day.

10. Screenshots

Never, ever say something to a girl you might think is wrong, because chances are her entire friend group already know what you said, the context to which you said it, and have their own very opinionated response to what you said. And although you guys may make up, her friends will have that memory and think of it every time you do something they may perceive as wrong.

I hope this insider information was able to shed some light on the mystery that is girl group chats to those of you who aren't involved in one. And to my very own IAA group chat, thank you for doing all of the above and more over these past four years, and I can't wait to see where college takes us.

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