Take it from someone who has been through it more times than I would like to admit, breakups are hard. Whether it was mutual or one-sided, messy or a clean break, it all causes you to feel a little sad inside. Or maybe a lot sad inside. Either way, it's not a picnic.
In many cases, I had no idea what was going to make the heartbreak hurt less and I didn't have a whole lot of advice on what to do or things that could help. There's no blueprint for how to handle yourself in a time like this or I would give it to you. So instead I asked some friends and came up with a list of tips, tricks, and things that will help to lessen the blow.
1. Retail therapy.
GiphyGo out and buy some new shoes. Get some new outfits. Spoil yourself because you definitely don't need a significant other to do that.
2. Something (or someone) soft that you can cuddle and cry on.
I have heard that giant stuffed animals do the trick. Get yourself a six-foot teddy bear and let it all out. Or your pet. My dogs love to cuddle when I need a good cry.
3. Surround yourself with people you love.
Ryleigh KenyonGo out with your friends. Spend time with your family. Go out for some adult beverages (if you're of age). I personally tend to want to go out and be spontaneous with my friends during a bad break up.
4. Don't dwell on why/how it ended.
GiphyIt will drive you insane. Accept that it's over and keep on keeping on.
5. Clear out the clutter
GiphyGet rid of old clothes, things they gave you, things that remind you of them. Out with the old and in with the you. Make newly single you a better you.
6. Reinvent yourself.
Get a hair cut, some fresh new clothes, maybe a piercing or a tattoo. Take up fitness or a new hobby. Be a better you and show your ex what they missed out on.
7. Write it out.
https://www.instagram.com/p/BvRr5DuAnnC/Journaling is a great outlet for feelings and it could help you sort your mind out until you're ready to move on. it's totally important to recognize your feelings and understand it's okay to feel them.
8. Get a new hobby.
GiphyPick up a new hobby that makes you happy and fills your time. It will fill you with joy and keep you from dwelling on the break-up.
9. Get back out there.
GiphyEveryone bounces back differently. Maybe getting flirty and not needing to commit to anything could be just what the doctor ordered. Maybe a one night stand. There's no shame in your rebound game.
Sometimes a rebound can turn into another great relationship. Who knows.
10. Get rid of all traces of the person you're getting over.
GiphyUnfriend, unfollow, delete their contact. The longer you hold onto them (and their social media presence) the longer it is going to take you to get over them. Plus, I know how tempting it is to insta-stalk your ex if you don't have to go into your blocked list to do it. Been there.
I'm sure there are a million other things that could help. But just remember, breakups and heartbreak do feel terrible sometimes. But they are totally not the end of the world. Think of it as a new beginning and use it to make you stronger and better.