Finals can be tough, you're busy, you're preoccupied with work, extracurriculars too...searching for that light at the end of the tunnel, here is a guide to keep you all going in the final stretch!
1. Snacks, snacks, snacks!
Food is fuel for the brain, and without fuel you can't expect to get anything done...grab apples, clementines, celery sticks and peanut butter. Eat healthy, and whenever you feel hungry, so that your body has the energy to keep studying!
2. Music
Research shows that when you listen to music without lyrics, it uses a different part of your brain. This means that an instrumental playlist can be used while studying to relax you, without interfering with your ability to study. Put together a soothing, or up beat mix of songs to help with this long shifts at the library!
3. Nature
There's nothing like fresh air to clear your head. Consider taking your study breaks outdoors. This will ensure you get some exercise, as you take a lap or two around the Yard. You'll give your mind and body a change of scenery, important for maintaining focus over a long period of time!
4. Friends
No matter how busy you are, always take a little bit of time to see/talk to/hang out with friends. They are going through the same stresses you are, with regards to finals, and everyone needs a break from time to time! Go out for a jog, sit and talk about your summer plans, meet for lunch, or a midnight coffee run! Whatever you have on your plate, make sure you give yourself permission to relax sometimes, and to enjoy life.
I hope you find this useful, and good luck to everyone with their exams! Happy studying :)