It's that time of the year again when we all make lists of things we need to accomplish for the next year and we all know in the back of our head that even if we write them down, buy a gym membership and try to visit all of the traveling spots we want, they never seem to get done. So here are some general tips that I have learned when making my New Years Resolution.
1. Is it really a "new year, new you?"
Maybe the old you is good enough. Maybe you should work on little parts of yourself, but don't expect to just wake up on January 1, 2017 and be a completely different person. It's all about short term goals to get to a long term goal.
2. Making your list realistic
When I say "realistic" I am saying that if you want to put down losing weight or traveling, make them small amounts (short term) and maybe places that are not out of your price range.
3. Make one of the resolutions to better someone else's life
Because at some point in the year, you should somehow have an impact of someone's life. Life is too short to not make a difference.
4. Make another resolution to spend more time with loved ones
Because again, life is too short. Tell your loved ones how you feel, be honest, be caring, and keep in touch. You never know if you will truly see tomorrow.
5. When making a resolution to save more money.. HAVE A PLAN
I see so many different money saving plans. Try the 52 week challenge, the 5 dollar challenge, or even save dollar bills in a jar that have a certain letter on them (like the letter K for example).
6. When making resolutions about getting better grades... HAVE A PLAN
What really gets in the way when you are receiving these grades? Procrastination? Organization? Too much party/not enough studying? Figure it out. Change it.
7. When making resolutions about a career path.. MAKE A PLAN
Figure out what is realistic for the year span and plan it out, make those calls, and put in the work that needs done.
2016 may have not been your year (or maybe it was), but 2017 can be better. Sit down and think about what you can do to truly make this your year and blossom like the flower I know you are. Make better choices, travel, love someone, save the money, change your career, but do something for yourself and then pay it forward to someone else this year. Fill the world with positive vibes. Make this year yours!