Tis the season to be jolly! Yes, you’ve guessed it! Its officially fall and while the 89 degree heat wave that still consistently sits on the hill country is thriving us bobcats are preparing for our next home game. This is the only time of the year you can catch me, or any other girl for that matter, braving the heat and the sweat wearing dresses with a full face of makeup on all in order to do one thing. That is to make a three and a half hour appearance at tailgate. Yes, tailgate because here in bobcat nation tailgate is the sport we go undefeated in. Fall is for football for UT, Tech, Baylor, and even for those Aggies; however at Texas State fall is for the unlimited fun that is named tailgate. As this exciting turn of the year comes around I recall all of my tailgate firsts… and man did I not do a whole lot right. After this past weekends first home tailgate of the season I’ve decided to put together and compact a few things in which either I do or other girls in my Sorority do to survive a Texas State tailgate.
While these things are in no specific order water seemed just important enough to be the very first ‘how to’ on game day survival. Whether you bring your own bottle or you happen to bum one off that cute frat guy. I strongly suggest, and by strongly I mean dire to your health, that while you drink drink drink you also fit some H2O into that sonic cup/yeti you're sipping out of.
There’s no such thing as too much deo:
As in Deodorant. While you're thinking “wtf does this have to do with tailgate” I can promise you it is totally relevant! As stupid, and by stupid I mean common sense, as it sounds upon this past Saturday’s events I learned that to some people this thought might not be as common. I learned that not quite everyone understands that with perspirant protectant more is not enough during Texas heat at tailgate.
Setting Spray/ Powder/ Oil Wipes:
This ones for my girls. Recently under the guidance and generosity of one of my sisters I’ve come across these things that are like little oil sucking wipes. They are a god sent! While my fist thought before tailgate isn’t quite about how my makeup look at the end of the long hot “game” it is about what I should take. While powder is a good option these oil blotting wipes are compact and can do just the same! However, sweat sometimes cannot be concurred no matter the endless coats of setting spray applied. No matter the blotting we do. It’s sometimes impossible to keep that perfect look. So when you feel like its just not working just remember that most the people at tailgate hardly care about the game, so why would they care about that slight shine on your forehead.
Food, which so happens to be my fav topic! Seriously though, before tailgate or even before pre-gaming tailgate eat. Brunch, Lunch, Linner, which ever fits your fancy eat eat eat! Food in the stomach is exactly what you need on your side and is the perfect helper in fighting of the over-intoxication that tailgate can throw in your direction.
Make sure to stay with your crew:
After a not so predicted fist fight at this past weekends tailgate, that I totally didn’t get to see, I was reminded that its best to be surrounded by the people you know. Don’t get me wrong mixing and mingling is just another reason Texas State does tailgate better, but if you're going to do so just make sure your crew knows exactly where to find you!
Think before you wear:
My absolute go to is a maroon/white/gold(ish)/ dress paired with my boots. 1) because you can never go wrong with the cute dress & boot combo! 2) because on days like last Saturday a dress is the only thing that provides enough breeze someone needs in order to not die of heat-stroke. Side note, if you're fairly new to this whole tailgate thing I suggest wearing tall and thick socks with those boots you’ve just been dying to break out. By thick I mean like protection from hypothermia thick because a little foot sweat is much better than the blisters, like the ones I’ve been sporting after Saturday.
Don’t forget we live in Texas:
While San Mo and a lot of the surrounding areas have vast amounts of moisture in the air be reminded that this is still Texas. While the calendar may say “Fall” the thermostat suggests much much different. I know I’ve harped on the heat thing just a tad, but incase you didn’t know people actually end up in the hospital for being over heated due to tailgate. To gorge yourself with alcohol is probably the quickest way to end up in that same position.
We get it, we all get it, you go to Texas State. It’s one big party, but just because you're fulfilling this destiny for yourself remember that if you're not of age you're risking so much just to have a little fun for tailgate. Even if you are of age don’t be that person who ends up getting famous on TFM because your “lit” dancing turned into the greatest show the internet could ever see.
While those last two don’t technically provide perfect advice. Its a much more specific way of saying that while indulging and participating in game day festivities, regardless if you go to tailgate or not, to stay safe! Traffic is crazy enough and not even to mention that people in San Mo already lack the ability to drive well. There’s absolutely no reason to throw an intoxicated person behind the wheel or to end up being taken to a hospital for alcohol poisoning, or to even receive a ticket because of “living life to the fullest”. Stay safe! Stay smart Bobcats! And especially stay proud for having the most lit tailgate in all of Texas!