This is take two of me trying to explain depression and anxiety. Realize I wrote 500 or so words, probably more on my last article. As an outsider of someone who doesn't suffer you're probably reading like "what the hell else could she have to say about it?". Don't worry, I won't even repeat myself.
Notice, most times you read about one or the other, they are paired. They usually never come alone. It's like when you marry someone, they never come alone there's always in laws you're gonna have to deal with. They come in a package. Think of it this way, if you're freaking out about something and you don't get why you become upset which leads to depression because you are completely confused as to why this is happening to you which then you begin to have low self esteem because "why me" and you can't stop thinking "why me" which is obviously obsessive thinking. I bet you never thought of it that way. That right there is four different diagnosis in one. They never come alone.
We seem hard as on outsider, looking in, were like an Rubik's Cube. To solve us seems completely impossible, but it is do able. We get super freaked out about things that may not seem that big of a deal to you, but to us it means a lot. Look at it this way, you wouldn't ever want someone to belittle a fear of yours, would you? We also tend to take things very personal and deep and always get the "its not that deep", well guess what to us it is. Take the time to notice our hearts and literally our heads take things a lot different than the average human being. When we get a stare when we are walking down the street we begin to freak out wondering what the heck is wrong with us. So when we think people are talking about us or looking at us, don't look at us like were crazy just reassure us. When we can't let go of things and keep talking your ear off about something we have been stuck on for a week, just let us be. We can't help it, our complex mind is literally obsessed.
The level of difficulty that we carry makes it easy to be scared away from us, for someone to not wanna stick around but I promise you should. All though our minds may be a little like a maze, we are just as human as anyone else. We live life with an open mind and an open heart. We are just as capable at love, friendship, learning, whatever the case may be as others. Just because those things may be a bit harder for us does not mean we will not overcome. So stick around with someone who's suffering, I bet their perspective of life will change your life.