Meditation is a big part of my everyday routine. Whether it's right when I wake up, after a stressful day of classes, or right before I go to sleep, I take at least 10 minutes to breathe and reflect. Some people may be wondering how one gets into practicing meditation, so I'll tell you. Last year I was having a really hard time. I was stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and sad the majority of the time. I started realizing that I needed a lifestyle change. Now a lot of things contributed to my change, but mediation worked effectively and surprisingly fast. I sat down on my bedroom floor before bed one night and decided to take several deep breaths and count my pulse. I probably looked funny, sitting cross-legged with my eyes closed, but I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time: peace. Taking time at the end of my day to check in with my emotions and my progess was really rewarding, and there's a strong connection you make with yourself after you meditate. Starting meditation changed my life and with these 5 tips, I hope it can change yours as well.
1. Make the time
If you think you can squeeze meditating in the 5 minute break between your classes, you'd be wrong. Meditation is all about slowing down and savoring your time with yourself, so start by making the time when you know you won't be interrupted. I prefer to meditate before I go to bed so that I can reflect on my day and goals I have for tomorrow.
2. Find a place you can focus
An easy mistake is thinking that you can meditate anywhere. Honestly, you can't. If you're in your living room and your roommate walks in or there's a lot of obnoxious sounds around you, it's extremely hard to get all the benefits. Since I'm at school, I lock my door (I don't have a roommate), tilt my blinds a bit, and sit on my yoga mat.
3. Get comfortable
Meditating takes at LEAST 5 minutes when you start out. You want to make sure you're comfortable so that doesn't distract you (see #2). If calm music is your thing, go ahead and play it softly in the background. If you want some aromatics, go ahead and light some candles. This is time to focus on YOU, so make it perfect.
4. Figure out your rhythm
There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Some people enjoy counting their breaths in a cross-legged position while others enjoy laying in savasana (flat on your back). My personal routine is sit cross-legged and count my breaths. I count in for 8, hold for 8, and release for 8, hold for 8. I do this around 10 times. After breathing, I add in listening to my heart. I find my pulse on my wrist and just feel, no counting. I sit in this position for as long as it takes to feel rested and restored. I conclude my meditation with 1-3 sun salutations. Getting a good stretch and moving gets my brain to switch gears back into productivity mode.
5. Make it a habit
If you find that you enjoy this practice, then try to make it an every day occurrence. However, I understand that forming a habit is sometimes difficult. If you can map out 3-4 times a week that you meditate, it's a great start and you'll see results.