Sometimes life sucks, like it sucks really, really bad. But, sometimes life can be really incredible! But, when life isn’t going the way you have planned it’s sometimes hard to realize how amazing you actually have it. All that you can think about is what has you down and not what can get you back up. Here are just a few tips that I have found helpful when life is putting me in a funk.
You have to realize what you have. First off, if you are reading this you are alive and breathing. If you look up you can see the beautiful surroundings this earth has put around you. The air you are breathing is clean and fills your lungs. Also your prior education has given you the knowledge to be able to read the words on your screen. The first eighteen years of your life has been spent in a free public education system, which a lot of countries aren’t as fortunate to have! You also have some sort of mobile device you are reading this on. The device you are holding also gives you the capabilities to call your parents, best friend, whoever, and you can call them now if you are down in the dumps! You are LUCKY! A lot of the world does not have these things. You are amongst the small population and therefore you should be grateful!
So if you didn’t feel grateful enough after the second paragraph, here is just another way to count your blessings. If I am having a bad day it never fails that I try this trick.
Think of five things that you are thankful for. They can be as simple as a toothbrush. So I could say today I am so thankful I have shoes on my feet (cute ones as well), I have food in my belly (sometimes too much), my pets that love me more than anything (pets are the best mood changers, in my opinion at least), perfume (because I smell hella good), and people around me that cherish me. So it’s as easy as that. If you just take a second to pause and see that life might suck, but realize how amazing everything in it is, then you have succeeded.
Take a second to leave what is making you unhappy and replace it with your passion. If you are a runner, go run a couple miles and take your mind off of it. If you play an instrument, go write the next big hit. For me, I love taking my mind off of things and taking some photos. Meditating is also an incredible way for me to just take a relaxer and focus on the good in my life. Do something that just makes you happy, because that might be the little boost you need to change your mood around.
This one might not be for everyone, but it sure works for me. I LOVE venting. Venting about my terrible day just gets it out on the table so I have nothing bottled up inside me. Boyfriends, girlfriends, whoever are good ones to call. They normally will just let you spill what happened during your day, and offer suggestions what to do about it. Family members are also a good one because they will let you just spew about everything that has happened.
My favorite, by far, is surrounding myself with my friends. After a long day there is nothing I love more than going with my friends because they will let me vent until I need be. After I vent, I know that they won’t bring it back up (because who wants to continuously relive your bad day?), they will bring up funny topics, memories, and anything to distract me from the day I had. Be sure to surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself though. You have to have great friends behind you to support you during your highest achievements, and even your lowest of lows.
Life might suck sometimes, but it is truly incredible. Your lowest points show you how good your highest points can be. It sucks having to endure the bad but just know that good will be right around the corner. My wish is to you that your bad day gets better and you hopefully can see the real beauty life has to offer. Just remember to think of the blessings you have in your life, surround yourself with the people that matter the most, and do what makes you happy when the bad day strikes.