Stressful transitions, difficult decisions and poor choices can all contribute to the "Freshman 15." But why does the Fresh 15 have to be a thing? What if we just didn’t accept it as our fate? Coming from someone who didn’t personally experience this phenomenon, but observed fellow students suffering from it, let me tell you how you can best avoid this dreaded fate.
1. Don’t Believe It
You begin to believe what you tell yourself. The more you believe the Fresh 15 is real, the closer you are to accepting it as your fate. Next, you allow it to become a reality. Finally, after it becomes a reality, you begin to look back on your Freshman year trying to figure out where you went wrong. You see where I’m going with this. Don’t spend your time looking back on your Freshman year trying to figure out where you went wrong. Instead, let’s leave myths as myths and believe in the freshman zero; let’s make that a thing.
2. Don’t Avoid Carbs! Eat More Of Them
A lot of people think that carbs make you fat and that eating bread is a sin. When in reality, carbs help burn the fat that your body has stored when you weren't eating enough carbs. I’m so deeply sorry that you have spent so much time avoiding bread, but I’m here now to tell you that carbs don’t make you fat. Fat makes you fat. Carbs (starchy vegetables, grains, rice, bread, fruit, etc.) help give you energy for your classes and all of those crazy college adventures with your friends. When you don’t eat enough carbs for your body to have energy, your body stores the fat from the fatty and oily foods you eat. The more you fill up on carbs and the less you fill up on fat, the more you will burn fat and the less fat you will have. Mind Blown. Eat more carbs!
3. Actually Think About What You’re Putting Into Your Body
Just because the dining hall has an ice cream machine, doesn't mean you should eat ice cream with, or in place of, every meal. Another great tip is to give yourself options by buying your own groceries - especially if the dining hall fails to serve healthy food. Living on campus? Invest in a mini fridge. Buying your own produce can help you to rule out the junk food.
4. Explore Your Outdoorsy-Sporty Side
What do sitting in a classroom all day, sleeping in the library and binge watching Netflix all have in common? They interfere with your body goals! Let’s face it, when we have to start choosing between watching Netflix or working out, we usually chose the lazy option. But, it can be a lot simpler than you think. All you have to do is go on a hike with friends, play Frisbee in the park, or go on a Pokemon adventure. Just do something! Get moving and you’ll be closer to the Fresh 0 than to the Fresh 15.
5. Finally, Avoid The Number 1 Cause Of The Freshman 15: Stress
When you can’t avoid stress, because sometimes it’s inevitable, don’t let the stress stop you from taking care of yourself. The more you make healthy choices, the fewer opportunities you'll have to make unhealthy choices. When midterms and finals come around you will feel the need to drink coffee instead of eating breakfast, stay up all night for three weeks in a row, or forget to drink water because who needs water when you have coffee, right? Basically, the more you take care of yourself, the better your body will function. This way, instead of storing fat, your body will burn fat and have the energy to get you through your freshman year free from the bondage of the Freshman 15.
Trust me, take these steps and you won't have to experience this unfortunate tragedy. Good luck freshies, I believe in you.