As the election quickly approaches many people know exactly who they are voting for. On the other hand, some are trying to determine which awful candidate won’t be as awful in office. Who will you elect as our next president? Listed below are 11 platform ideas from our current candidates running for office.
1. Free college is a fairytale.
Bernie Sanders is a radical democratic candidate that brings many ideas to the table that probably could never be implemented. A big one would be making college free. This in itself is a fairytale that will most likely never come true, and this is coming from a full-time student that works her ass off to pay for school. Sanders definitely reaches his target market of millennials with this campaign idea, but no one has any idea where this money is going to come from! You cannot come up with a great idea without having anything to support it. Granted, I do not think students should be graduating over $50,000 in debt, but a college degree should not be as easy to get as a high school diploma. College prices are an issue, however, free college is not the answer.
2. Building a wall that Mexico will pay for is a laugh.
Donald Trump is definitely someone to watch out for in this current election. This self-made billionaire began with his "small loan of a million dollars" and is currently soaring through the polls with outstanding votes. His campaign ideas range from absurd to out of this world, but he has a strong following. One of his many ideas would include building a wall on the border of Mexico and the United States that the Mexican government will pay for. Many people find this idea to be great in order to stop illegal immigration while the Mexican government sits there and laughs at the idea. Trump began estimating the cost of the wall to be around eight billion dollars. Now, the price slowly begins to rise to unreasonable amounts. So, Trump, I think it is time that you find a new platform for dealing with illegal immigration.
3. Lights, camera, action!
As everyone knows the media has a big role in this election. They cover everything from rallies to debates and sometimes what a candidate might do in their spare time. Media coverage is key. Sanders and Trump have been brewing up a storm on Twitter. Clinton even snapchats when she campaigns. Will any of this make a difference? As the primary is nearing an end, many candidates are seeking publicity whether it be good or bad. They are out for blood, and I am sure CNN is all over it.
4. 7/11 vs 9/11.
Speaking of publicity, I am sure everyone has heard of Donald Trump’s latest news. While rallying in New York he began speaking about a time in American history that no one will forget, the day the towers fell, 9/11/01. While going through this Trump mistakenly said 7/11 over 9/11 and people went nuts. Was this a mistake at all? Some argue that he was speaking of a fire company on ground zero, others say it was just a stupid mix-up. I think everyone can agree on one thing, he made headlines, that’s exactly what he and his campaign crew wanted. He got the publicity, and he got the vote from New York, what more could you ask for?
5. “We will make America great again.”
This slogan has been everywhere, you cannot turn without hearing the voice of the notorious Donald Trump screaming “Make America Great Again”. According to him, all the solutions for America are right up in his head. For example, he will cut off the head of ISIS and take control of their oil. He is also not afraid to call people radical Islamic terrorists. This has all gained an enormous following, and the lead in the primary. Unfortunately, I do not think any of this is actually going to help America.
6. Immigration.
So far, we have talked a lot about Sanders and Trump. So, let us bring Ted Cruz into these reasons. Poor Cruz is following in the footsteps of Donald Trump. Many of their ideas are very similar. According to Cruz, he will handle immigration much like Trump will, by building a wall. This one will be bigger and better, though, according to him. Yay for the wall!
7. #Trending.
As shocking as it may seem, this election is a major trend on Twitter. The candidates are all over it, but who could be trendier than Bernie Sanders himself! This man is all over the social media world. His ideas are appealing to many young voters which could be why he is doing so well in the polls (not so much after NY, but you get the idea). So, basically, no one has looked up from their phones long enough to actually educate themselves on the election. It has come down to whoever they see online, they vote for. It really is sad.
8. Clinton for Prison 2016.
Everyone is aware of the Benghazi issue where Clinton was put on trial. Bumper stickers were everywhere with the catchy slogan “Clinton for Prison 2016”. Since it has not been brought up in a while, I saw it fit to bring it up again. This scandal left her without some followers, and an email for quite some time. Looks like she has bounced back, though, as she leads the nomination for the democratic primary.
9. Healthcare in America.
Obamacare is everywhere, this latest and greatest feat for the democrats has them soaring. It also has both parties pinned against each other over health care. As many people know. the Democrats love Obamacare and they will do whatever they can to keep it. Hillary Clinton is a big fan of it. The Republicans, however, want to do everything they can to destroy it. So, basically everything is going as normal, our parties hate each other, they always have, and they always will.
10. First Female President.
Hillary Clinton could potentially become our first female president. That is why many people are voting for her. They do not care what she is about, they just want the first female. All those feminists out there are cheering for her as she leads in the polls. Hopefully, they understand her platform ideas.
11. The Undecided Voters.
Every election usually comes down to those who have no idea who they want to vote for. They wonder which shitty candidate will do a not so shitty job as our president. People try to sway them one way or another, but they really need to decide for themselves. Remember, folks, you should always vote because if you don’t, you have no room to complain about who gets elected. You had a choice, and you neglected to use it.
Make it a great election...or not...the choice is yours.