Guard Yourself Against These Common Chemicals | The Odyssey Online
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Guard Yourself Against These Common Chemicals

Many of these chemicals are common and they threaten your health and the health of those you care about. Stay informed.

Guard Yourself Against These Common Chemicals

There are so many endocrine disruptors and ways that the chemical disrupts, but there are just twelve important and common chemicals that are the worst endocrine disruptors. These include BPA, Dioxin, Atrazine, Phthalates, Perchlorate, Fire Retardants, Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs), Organophosphate Pesticides, and Glycol Ethers. Look for these next time you are shopping. Each of these is somewhat avoidable by changing habits. We are exposed to these by what we consume, inhale or touch. The chemical, BPA is a more current topic of discussion and there recently was a widespread change to avoiding BPA products. BPA is bad because it replicates the reproductive hormones and it is extremely dangerous to have a large amount in one’s system. BPA is commonly found in plastic food packaging, mainly cans and plastics and also in water bottles. Dioxin is a chemical pollutant found in the air from industrial vapor waste. Phthalates is mainly found in plastic food containers and in children’s toys, so it’s very important to check the labels to make sure this endocrine disruptor is not in the product.

Along with the previously stated chemicals, Arsenic and Organophosphate are also found in food that was sprayed with certain pesticides. Arsenic is now less common in food than Organophosphate but they are both important to pay attention to and avoid. Mercury is a common endocrine disruptor found in seafood. Often people are told to limit their seafood intake and mercury is the reason why. Fish has an insane amount of mercury in them, especially Tuna and Sushi.

Perfluorinated Chemicals, also known as PFCs, are commonly found on non-stick pans, the water-resistant coating on furniture, carpet and clothing, most items owned by a person could be at risk. Perfluorinated Chemicals are more common than people think which makes them even more dangerous. Fire Retardants are commonly found under carpets, in dust, and in furniture. Fire Retardants are inhalant toxins and most people do not even know that they are being exposed. Lead is a common concern at the moment in the news and in many cities around the world. Since we only recently learned how bad lead is for someone, it is commonly in pipes and in paint. Lead in the pipes causes lead to be in the water and lead in paint causes lead, a heavy particle, to be in the air at small levels and reach the bloodstream.

Glycol Ethers is a less commonly known chemical that is in paints and cleaning products. Atrazine is very common in drinking water because it is a commonly used pesticide that runs off into our freshwater lakes, streams, and rivers where we take water from. To avoid Atrazine, a person needs to have a specialized water filter. Perchlorate is a shocking endocrine disruptor that many people ingest through their water. Perchlorate is an ingredient found in rocket fuel so it is of course extremely bad for us humans. The main and possibly only way to avoid this chemical is a reverse osmosis filter.

The hype over watching what chemicals are used in products is far from unnecessary, know what you’re buying to guard yourself and others from future harm from common products.

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