Children who aren’t raised as “the teacher’s kid” cannot begin to understand the different lifestyles that we live. To be honest, I thought I would hate having my mom teaching at the school that I attended, but I changed my mind pretty quickly.
1. Your parent knows how your day was before you even know.
Okay, not literally, but sometimes it seems true. You go home from school excited to share with your parents what grade you made on your test, how practice was or who was dating who now. Except when you start to share it with them you always hear, “Oh, I already know that.”
2. Your summer break ends before everyone else’s does.
Your parent goes back to school a couple weeks before all of the students do, so that means school shopping comes sooner than you hoped it would. Not only that but you end up spending those two weeks before school starts in the classroom decorating and organizing too.
3. You become a pro at decorating the classrooms.
Not only does your parent want your help in their classroom, but their teacher friends notice you are there to help and convince you to help them carry books, shelves and hang up posters for them as well.
4. When you parents say their “kids,” they don’t always just mean you and your siblings.
Your parents put so much into their students’ lives and care for them like their own that soon you have hundreds of brothers and sisters. Your parents seem to put as much time into the student’s success as they do yours.
5. You want to keep your grades from your parents? Yeah, right!
I am pretty sure that my parents knew all of my grades before I had the chance to even think about not telling them what they were.
6. Parent-teacher conferences are all year for you.
On the night of parent-teacher conferences, they’re too busy to meet with all of your teachers, so they just meet with them all year every day.
7. Snacks.
Yes, the best part of all, having 24/7 access to snacks at school. I am not sure if that should be the highest priority, but it definitely came in handy on days that I forgot to bring my lunch, or was just starving after practices.
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t trade being the teacher’s kid for anything in the world. I have made so many memories at school with all of the other teachers' children. All of the other teachers are now like parents to me as well. From getting to school at 6 a.m. some days, leaving at 10 p.m. other days and being at the school year round, it has become a second home to me.
The relationships that I have built and the memories that I have made over these years are priceless to me. I am thankful to be known as “the teacher’s kid!”