Many people think that not having siblings is a blessing; and it's fun most of the time. However, it would have been nice at times to have a partner in crime.
Here are a few highlights of the only child life:
1. More Mature
By default, I became more mature than the rest of my peers. My goals were always my priority while having fun was everyone else’s. I spent most of my free time with adults or by myself. I was more comfortable around adults than I was my own peers.
2. Getting asked if I’m spoiled
No, I don't have anyone to battle with for the T.V. remote. Yes, I get an abundance of presents during the holidays. But, I don't have a brother or sister to share memories with or to lean on in times of trouble. It also would have been nice to have someone close to my age to hang out with when I was younger.
3. Making up my own games
The worst part of not having a sibling was the fact that adults never wanted to play childish games. I found myself trying to occupy my own time in the most ridiculous ways. I have to say, it did make me creative.
4. Communication Skills
With no other children to occupy my time, I found myself either alone or making conversation with adults. I have gotten so skilled with the older generation’s jargon that I could navigate my way through any conversation, be it politics or workplace drama.
5. High Expectations
I was my parent’s only hope. If I failed, it wasn't as if there was another child who could still achieve greatness. There was always a lot of pressure to be the ideal child and make my parents proud.
6. No Borrowing
While I was never obligated to share my belongings with someone else, I never had the chance to steal clothes from a sister or borrow money from a brother. I had to fend for myself when my allowance money ran out.
7. There is no one else to blame.
My parents always knew exactly who ate the extra cookie before bedtime. They knew when I accidentally deleted their favorite show from the DVR or when I shattered my mother's favorite casserole dish. I could never put the blame on anyone else so I had to learn from a very young age to own up to all of my mistakes.
8. My mom is my best friend
With no one else to occupy my mother’s attention, I am able to go to her whenever I need advice or just a friend. If there is ever a problem, she has always been the first person I would turn to. She is ultimately my best friend; always has been and always will be.