I am nearly 20 years old, and I still have a curfew. I get that you become an adult once you're 18, and there is no walking curfew. I totally understand that. The thing is my parents are strict. Their favorite saying, "You live under my roof, with my rules." I kind of like living there, so I follow their rules. It's nice not having to pay for rent, utilities or my delicious home-cooked meals. There's just that one catch. I have to follow their rules. So while I'll be out with friends, I'll get the text from my mom around 11 p.m. asking if I'm coming home soon. Every single time I go out, she always waits up for me to come home. In retrospect, that is really sweet of her. She's not trying to ruin any fun I was having; she just wanted me home safe.
Having strict parents have made me appreciate their rules now that I am older. Sixteen-year-old me wouldn't agree so much. They wouldn't let me go out if I had homework that wasn't finished or a test coming up. They wanted me to study instead. That sucked, but hey, I got good grades, and I'm still getting good grades. Their strictness has made me much more responsible about myself and others. My friends have even dubbed me "the mom" of the group for being so worrisome. Years of questions like, "Who are you going with?" "How many people?" "Who's driving?" "What time will you be home?" has led me to ask the same with friends. So many people tell me to let loose and have fun, but I can't have fun without knowing all the details (thanks for passing that on, Mom).
I know a lot of people my age have lenient parents and say they have a stronger relationship with them. Their parents let them drink at home with friends, stay out all night and go out whenever they want. I disagree. I have a wonderful relationship with my strict parents. It's not that they don't trust me. They just care for me. It's hard to see that as a young adult, but they are really just looking out for you. I'm not bashing on lenient parents either; they care for you just as much. There just are different parenting styles, and I'm glad my parents are strict. Yeah, sometimes it's a pain in the ass when you are nearly 20 and have to leave a party because of curfew. It sucks when your friends want to make spontaneous trips, and your parents require two weeks notice for plans. "Oh, just a sleepover!" Yeah, not gonna happen with my parents.
I'm sure while I'm away at school they still will worry about what time I come home and whom I'm hanging out with. That's just how my parents are. Their strictness has made me into a responsible young woman. I rarely get into trouble with them, and we have a great relationship. I love my strict parents. If you have strict parents, I know the struggle (it's very real), but just know they are just looking out for you, not trying to ruin your fun.