Everyone has that one friend who has a mom who is always up to date with current events, trends, and styles. We all know that one mom who is super chill and can have a conversation with us and our friends and not have it be forced or super awkward. I have been lucky enough to grow up with the "cool mom." It has definitely had its perks. Not everyone is close with their mothers but I would like to think we have a pretty strong relationship. She is easy to joke with, understanding, and gives great advice. I can tell her anything. She is cool with my friends and treats them as if they are her children as well. She prefers that they call her by her first name or Mama. She expects hugs when you walk into our house and a goodbye when you leave. Off the bat she will joke with you and in little time make you feel like you have known her for years. She has an iPhone and knows how to use it. She sends gifs on holidays and on birthdays. She uses abbreviations correctly and frequently along with the corresponding emoji.
She is up to date. She knows the hottest music. There are even times she shows me songs I did not even know about. She has learned all the trendy dance moves and won’t hesitate to dab on the haters. She knows the celebrity gossip and keeps track of who Taylor Swift is dating these days. Every single time someone says “It Wasn’t Me” you can find her breaking into some Shaggy lyrics mid conversations. She has Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SnapChat. “I followed your mom on Twitter” or “Your mom’s snap story has me crying” are phrases I hear all the time.
When we were younger it was always my mom that we asked for sleepovers. It was always my house when we were looking for fun. It was my mom who would suggest eating popsicles all day and encouraging creativity as the neighborhood would gather in our front yard. As my siblings and I grew fond of sports my mom was always on the sidelines cheering us on. She would know everyone on the team and would scream just as loud for the other kids as she did for our own. She would bring enough food for the entire team to snack on between games and made sure no one went unfed.
Friends ask if she will be in attendance when we meet up because they enjoy her company so much. I can’t even count the amount of times I have heard “I love your mom” or “Your mom is the best.” I totally agree. She has raised me in a manner that I can make my own decisions and she will support me in any way she can. She has taught me to think outside the box and to work hard for what I want in life. She has been a great role model and at the same time a great friend. I can only hope to be just as cool as her someday.