Growing up as a mixed-race individual, I look back and remember all the crazy questions people asked me about my race. Surprisingly, most of the questions or comments came at me when I was of a much younger age. So all in fun, here are a few comments only biracial people can relate to.
1. What are you?
I'm still not sure of the appropriate answer to this question.
2. Can I touch your hair?
No... you cannot pet my hair. I have experienced way too many of these moments and it's just awkward for the person you're petting.
3. Which parent is white and which one is black?
I never understood the curiosity in this. Of all the things to be curious about... Which one of your parents is whiter than the other? Which parent has brown eyes? You catch my drift.
4. Which race would you rather be if you had to pick one?
I can not even begin to describe how much I despise this question. I'm a whole person, people! I embrace all of me. So I wouldn't choose a "side," I would choose to stay how I am.
5. Is that your natural hair or do you curl it every day?
Yes, yes I take the time to have curl very small pieces of my hair every day and still manage to leave the perfect about of frizz. Not.
6. Do you wash your hair every day?
No, I do not because that is bad for anyone's hair. But it's especially bad for curly because it drys it out so quickly.
7. Why don't you look like your parents?
Just because we don't have the same skin tone doesn't mean we don't share any similar features. You just have to look a little harder. The resemblance is there.
8. Do you date only one race?
Asked of me when someone found a pattern in the guys I happened to date. Talk about personal. Most people seem to lean toward one race when they date. Why does it matter for biracial people?
9. Wow, your hair is actually really soft.
I'm not sure if this is a compliment or not but thanks, I guess? This comment kind of implies that you wouldn't expect biracial hair to be soft because of the fact that the person is biracial.
10. Do you relate more to your black side or white side?
I relate to people.
11. So, do you like being mixed?
Ummm... Should I not? Do you like being white? Or black? Or Asian? Yeah, I would say I'm cool with it.
So there you have it, eleven questions every biracial person can probably relate too. We appreciate your curiosity, but sometimes, it's just better not to ask.