Italian: n. "a native or inhabitant of Italy, or a person of Italian descent"
The definition of being an Italian may seem pretty simple, but it goes a lot deeper than that. Italians have a strong love for the finer things in life, food, wine, and spending time with family (a lot of time with family).
Although no two families are alike, growing up in an American-Italian household, you tend to see some commonalities among people of this same ethnicity.
Source: I'm an Italian-American and I have a family
1. Family Values
As previously mentioned, Italians take family very seriously. Grandparents are worshiped by their children and grandchildren, and no matter where your life takes you, you know you always have someone who will pick up the phone and help you out. It's not uncommon to drop by your grandmother's house unannounced just to say hello, and your cousin's house might as well be your own.
2. Sunday Dinner
Family is so important, in fact, that many American-Italian families dedicate 1/7 of their week to spending time together. Sundays are spent at your grandmother's house, surrounded by your cousins, most likely sitting at the "kid's table", eating a plate of pasta twice the size of your appetite, but finishing it anyways because your grandmother worked hard on it. The dining room is usually too loud for you to even think (stereotypes exist for a reason people!), but you wouldn't give up those conversations for the world.
3. Cousins
Speaking of cousins, they're probably some of your best friends, and you probably have a couple dozen of them. (No seriously, you're probably related to everyone). They're the only ones who understand your crazy family, and honestly, they're also the reason you can survive it.
4. Talking
You're probably the loudest one of your friend group, and you most definitely use wild hand gestures when telling a story. (Note: Can make driving difficult).
5. Holidays
If there's one thing Italians can do right, it's holidays. The food, the fun, and the stories that come out of any Christmas party are memories that will be told for generations to come (and, you know, at the next Christmas party; we love reminiscing).
6. The Food
Yes, you're biased. Italian food is the best type of food out there. From gelato to bruschetta to all the different types of pasta (and yes, you know all of them and their pronunciations), you're hardwired to cringe at the term "carb-free diet" because hellooooo why would anyone give up homemade bread?
7. The Mafia Jokes Your Friends Make
...or maybe they're not jokes.
8. The Love
An Italian family loves harder and deeper than most others. You know your uncles will be there to fix your car, your grandmother will never let you leave her house without taking a snack for the road (even if you live five minutes away), and you and your cousins will continue all of your family's wacky traditions for years to come. You embrace your heritage, you can't imagine a life without these crazy people by your side, and you're lucky to know you're never going to have to find out.