It's not easy growing up.
Growing up, I've learned that life's not easy. It's not easy for me, it's not easy for those around me. Life is full of obstacles, battles, we all face something from time to time. Growing up, I've also learned that we need other people in our lives to guide us, support us, love on us.
As I've been growing up, I've learned that I'm my own advocate. I'm my own advocate for my needs, my wants. My desires, my dreams are from what I decide to do as I continue to grow up.
What I chose to do with my life as I grow up, that's on me. How I chose to inspire people growing up, that's on me. Growing up, we can't always rely on those people around us, sometimes we have to do for ourselves what we think is best.
You know that saying that parents tell their little ones, "Never Grow Up", I think many of us are afraid of growing up, because we are afraid of what will happen, who we'll meet. Meanwhile, Growing up, its apart of our lives.
I myself have never been a fan of growing up. But, after seeing all of the people I know grow up, have a career and a family, I want to grow up. I wanna say "Yes I've grown up" but I didn't grow alone. I had people behind my back supporting me. I had people telling me how proud they were, are for me. That kind of encouragement, that's what helped me realize that growing up, it's just what God wanted me to do. God has woken me up everyday to continue Growing everyday.
I saw this pop up the other day when I was reading an article, it says this: I passionately believe that if you want to grow you must change. I believe this 100% . I believe this because in order to grow we do have to change. We have to change the way we treat those around us. We have to change the way we pick our friends. We have to change ourselves.
We don't have to change to impress anyone around us. People can see change in us usually right before we can see any change occurring. If we wanted to be changed, we could try by letting someone we don't know at church sit next to us in a pew or we could also be changed by trying new things, seeing how that one new thing could come to also be one of our favorite things.
We can change. We can change the world. One day, one challenge at a time and we can all be amazed. Growing up isn't always fun but it's apart of life, who we are.