4. You sometimes refer to a church service as "Big Church" to this day. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

12 Things That Follow You Closer Than The Holy Ghost If You Grew Up Going To Sunday School

Some of you never went through every emotion at once at "Cry Night", and it definitely shows.

12 Things That Follow You Closer Than The Holy Ghost If You Grew Up Going To Sunday School
Bailey Drake

There was nothing quite like going to Sunday School when you were a kid. It was a place to hang out with your best friends, sing funny songs, watch cartoons, and eat free snacks. More important than all of that, however, was that it laid the foundation for your relationship with Jesus Christ. All the songs and skits you experienced helped teach you the most important lessons you will ever learn in your life. Here are just a few of the things you will definitely remember if you grew up going to Sunday School.

1. You can sing every worship song from muscle memory alone.


"Trading My Sorrows"? Check. "Father Abraham"? Got it. "The Fruit of the Spirit"? You're all over it.

2. And do all the hand motions that went with them.


Let's be honest, you still do the hand motions if you hear an old song in your worship service today.

3. You memorized as many Bible verses as you could for free candy.


There is nothing better than free candy, and it was the best way to learn new Bible verses!

4. You sometimes refer to a church service as "Big Church" to this day.


We've all done this at least once or twice. It's all good.

5. You've never been more competitive than when you've played Bible trivia.


Candy and bragging rights were on the line! Nothing was more important than those in the heat of the moment.

6. Watching "Veggietales" was one of the best parts of the whole day.


In all seriousness, this is the best Christian programming ever. Who knew that one of the best ways to learn about the Bible was with hilarious talking vegetables?

7. "Adventures in Odyssey" was pretty good, too.

It was no "Veggietales", but the stories were still pretty good and the characters were great. Remember the episode "Someone to Watch Over Me"? That one scared you for weeks, and you know it.

8. You've definitely eaten your fair share of disgusting food.


Whether it was for a game or a dare, there was simply no avoiding eating whatever your pastor put together in a blender. And yes, I actually ate the spaghetti from "Elf" at a youth event one Christmas, and I will never do it again.

9. Vacation Bible School was the best part of your summer.


It was like all the fun of Sunday School crammed into every night of the week, PLUS water balloon fights and all the junk food your heart could desire! What could be better than that?

10. Camp was most likely the first time you pulled an all-nighter.


You felt so cool staying up late to gossip about all the other people at camp and to pull pranks on the cabin just down the path.

11. Two words: Cry Night.


For those of you who remember, these two little words bring back so many memories. For those of you who don't know, it was the emotional high of camp where everyone cries during that night's worship service. Whether you were crying from exhaustion from all the all-nighters or were genuinely moved by the worship, it was truly a sight to behold.

12. You are so thankful that was how you grew up.


Your time in Sunday School ultimately helped lay the foundation for your relationship with Jesus Christ. There are so many beautiful memories to look back on, and the lessons helped make you the person you are today.

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