I grew up on Shelter Island, which is an island in between the two forks of Long Island (so an island off of an island). With a year-round population of about 3,000 people (it is mainly a summer and weekend tourist hot spot), Shelter Island is one of the smallest towns on Long Island. As someone who graduated high school with 20 people (10 boys and 10 girls), I know the struggles of growing up in a small town all too well.
Here are just a few things that I have learned from growing up in a small town:
1. Literally EVERYONE knows everyone's business.
If you tell your friend something, chances are that 10 people will know about it in the next five minutes.
2. Don't want to be seen today? Too bad, because you are going to run into everyone you know in the supermarket.
Oh, and they also want to know EVERYTHING that you've been up to.
3. Everyone remembers the kid who thew up in kindergarten.
4. Visiting your old high school teachers is totally normal and not weird.
5. Hope you like everyone because you'll be with them from kindergarten until you leave for college!
6. Want to get something to eat late at night? Too bad because everything closes at 7pm!
7. Yes, everyone still remembers that time you farted during class in middle school.
8. Not even attempting to use your fake ID at local bars because everyone knows how old you are.
Even when you're 21 it's still weird. Who wants to see their friends' parents at the bar?
9. Close-minded people who are mentally 50 years behind.
It's 2016, people!
10. Spending your off-days in the summer at the beach.
That is if you're from a beach community.
11. Quick trip to the mall? More like 30-45 minute drive to the nearest shopping center.
12. The new kid in class is suddenly the coolest thing to ever happen, and everyone wants to befriend them.
Sweet, a new human to interact with!
13. You can't flip off the people you hate at graduation because you will probably run into them again- tomorrow.
To all of my fellow small-town folks:
Although it can be tough at times, small communities have to stick together, and we will always have each other's back!