I remember I was younger and couldn't wait to grow up. I remember when hands were for comforting one another, before they started to go up shirts. I remember when lips were for giving compliments before we kissed until being alone didn't hurt anymore. A simple hug when we were younger has now turned into sex. And simple cheesy smiles have turned into misinterpreted texts. Candy was what we wanted when we were kids and that has now turn into drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. I remember as a kid, everyone would have those candy sticks that tasted like wall paper paste but all the kids on the school bus wanted them because it looked like you were smoking a cigarette. Fast forward years later and half of those kids I went to school with, I now see out in public drinking a beer and smoking cigarette after cigarette.Those school playground races of who could get to the yellow line the fastest has now turned into gambling bets that has put many into debt. That Mountain Dew that your parents wouldn't let you have because it made you super hyper as now turned into Mary Jane. Those once hyper kids just become the insane ones. And those "cool popular kids" in school, that has now turned into being Instagram and twitter famous. Those snow angels we all use to make together as kids, have now turned into angel dust. One by one classmates slowly start to become angels to us, to soon. Growing up is being rushed so fast and all those hopes and dreams you once had quickly become crushed when you realize you just want to be little again.
They say that this is how the show goes. That growing up means having to growing old. Yeah we change, the season change, but it doesn't mean that it has to be complicated. Some might call it nostalgia, and some simply might just call it something else. There is all a part of us where we desire for a time that is less complicated then times are now. Some might see it as depression, some might see it has needing help. But that isn't it. It is that life is just a game and I am truly let down. I am let down not just with personal life but with this whole world. We let it go, we let it just slip right out of our hands.
Yes, life got hard. And if you say it hasn't, then your lying to yourself. We are hand cuffed to plastic cards that hold so much power, we don't even realize it. We are constantly on our guard because of all the two faced, back stabbing, bullying, and even cyber bulling that has been going around for many many years. But as the years go on it just keeps getting worse.Our self worth to people is a piece of paper that cost thousands of dollars and even then sometimes we aren't good enough. We are psychologically scarred and disgusted with who we are and who we have become.Growing up means you live less. Screwing over people means success for you, but yet we are still breaking from all of the stress that is put on us. Buying expensive outfits that isn't our style just to try to impress people, but all that is is losing yourself in a dress.
This is what growing up is in our generation. You can probably feel and hopefully understand my apprehension that with age and the constant acceleration of it, it's just a jail with absolutely no hope for liberation.We can not spend our lives chasing new sensations or working behind a desk for some corporation who thinks of you as just a number on their pay roll. We have to work for happiness and toleration, because fixing society is our responsibility. We are growing up in a world we didn't ask for. Some are growing up with no shelters, no ceiling, no floor, and no four walls. We are growing up in a world that the word dreaming simply means declare war. Heck even when someone has their feelings hurt or it doesn't go their way, it causes wars just within our people. Maybe we shouldn't have grown up after all. Maybe we should have stayed young, at least then we could learn to live more than what we are now.