Open Minded: Unprejudiced | The Odyssey Online
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Open Minded: Unprejudiced

I'm grateful that I grew up in an open-minded household.

Open Minded: Unprejudiced
Living Life Unbound

DISCLAIMER: This particular article will touch base upon topics of controversy and some points may be the unpopular opinion to the public. If this isn't something you wish to get into, you don't have to indulge in it.

Growing up in an open-minded household has honestly been the best thing to ever happen to me. Starting as a child, my mother always taught me the importance of acceptance, no matter what the topic of conversation was. Living in the generation that I do, I have walked through life with my eyes wide open, eager to learn about the progression and even the controversial issues of this day and age. However, one thing that has remained a constant with me is my mindset to continually keep an open mind, no matter what the topic is. You see growing up, I spent the majority of time learning about the world from my mom, who just happened to be the most open-minded and accepting individual I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Being open minded is defined as unprejudiced and the willingness to consider new ideas. This is a concept I was introduced to incredibly early on.

Topics regarding same-sex marriage, religion, abortion, and medicinal marijuana are all subjects that some people feel uncomfortable addressing. However, when it comes to my personal beliefs, I have always been able to be open about how I feel regarding them without worrying about the repercussions of those with opposing opinions. The benefits of growing up in such an open minded household has taught me that although my opinions may differ from others or even the popular opinion, it doesn't make them wrong. It just means that I am willing and able to accept new ideas.

Same-Sex Marriage

This subject has been in the limelight of the media for as long as I can remember. Just last year, the United States declared same-sex marriage legal nationwide. I distinctly remember the day it happened. Every platform of social media was booming with the hashtag #LoveWins. It was truly one of the most incredible and influential progressions that I believe I will see throughout my lifetime. Although, there are still some people completely against the thought of same-sex marriage for a multitude of reasons. Some argue that it's just unethical due to the content in the Bible and others simply just don't like the idea of two people of the same sex being in a romantic relationship because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Growing up in an open-minded household, I was never told what was socially acceptable and what wasn't. Because truthfully, there is no right and wrong.

I am SO sick of others criticizing people for loving who they choose to love. One of the most common excuses I have heard for opposing such love is that it goes against the Bible and religion. First of all, let me just start off by saying that for a part of my childhood, I was raised Catholic. My father attended Catholic school from the time he was in kindergarten all the way through high school. During the point in my life where I classified myself as Catholic, I never heard someone preach to me that being with someone of the same sex was morally wrong. I was able to grow up and make my own perceptions about what was going on in the world. However, my parents always encouraged me to accept others for who they are. No matter who they chose to be.

Just an FYI for the uneducated, people don't choose to be gay and even if that were the case, who the hell cares. I will never in my life be able to understand why some people get so offended because other people choose to love who they do. If it doesn't involve you in any way, shape, or form, then please excuse yourself and move onto the next subject that actually affects you. Love is love. No matter the gender, no matter the circumstance. You either take it as it is or don’t. But just remember, even if you don’t, it will continue to be. So why not open up your mind and welcome yourself to the year 2016, where the possibilities are endless.


In terms of religion, I know I previously mentioned that I was raised Catholic. However, that was only the beginning of my childhood. Up until the beginning of third grade, I attended church and CCD on a weekly basis. After I made my Holy Communion at the end of second grade, my mother sat me down and told me that I had the freedom to choose my own religious path.

Although I was young, I decided that I wanted to figure out my religious beliefs on my own as opposed to being told what I had to believe in. It has been quite some time since then and my views on religion have changed drastically. There are SO many issues in today’s society revolving religion. So many people negatively categorize people based upon their claimed religion. I for one am thankful to not be one of those people. When people ask me about my religious beliefs, I am always open to speak exactly how I feel, mainly because I was brought up to do so. My mother taught me that there was never any shame in owning the person that I am. I have never and will never discriminate someone else based upon their religious beliefs.

The way I look at it is that everyone is just looking forward to the future and holding on to something that makes them feel comfortable in the person that they are. For me, I believe that there is a higher power. After all, the world had to come from somewhere. And sure, some people believe it’s just science. But I don’t know. Science is wonderful and incredibly fascinating, but for me, there’s something else out there. I can’t tell you specifics or even give you proof, but all I can say is that is truly what I believe. If you don’t feel the same, that’s okay. I enjoy stimulating discussions and hearing about how other people's opinions differ. It keeps life interesting. In terms of the bigger picture, I have learned many things regarding many different religions. However, the biggest lesson I have learned in the category of religion is to accept people for who they are. Allow them to hold onto their beliefs. You never know, it could be all they have.


Now, I know if there is any category within this article that is going to upset a viewer, it’s this one. I know what you’re thinking. The common rebuttal I get for even discussing this is “How dare you even defend such an absurd subject.” Well, essentially I am. Contrary to popular opinion, I am pro-choice. I believe that women should have the option to keep or abort their child, especially in specific situations. One of the most discussed situations in this category falls under rape cases. This is where I completely support the pro-choice option. Personally, I do not feel that if someone is impregnated under these awful circumstances, that they should be forced to keep a child that they didn’t anticipate. In addition, I do not think it is right to be telling someone that they are forced to have a child. And yes, before anyone asks, I am educated on the consequence of abortion.

However, I still stand true to my beliefs. Additionally, a subcategory under abortions that is given an incredibly negative reputation is Planned Parenthood. A lot of people don’t approve of the company because they do offer abortions. However, they also offer is a plethora of other services that give planning families the opportunities to do so many other things such as give information about std's, educate youth on safe sex, provide birth control to their customers, as well as give out information regarding adoption. Those are all extreme benefits of Planned Parenthood and without them, these services would be harder to reach. These are just a few reasons why I completely support pro-choice. No, I’m not saying all abortion circumstances are okay. But what I am saying is that it is your right to make that call.

Medicinal Marijuana

Thus far, according exactly 24 states have legalized medicinal marijuana. In terms of using marijuana medically, it has come to help SO many families worldwide let alone nationwide with a multitude of different health problems. The most common misconception of marijuana is the belief that people only use it recreationally in order to get high. However, while some may do just that, there is so much more to the drug than the high you get while using it. I’m here to educate you on some of those benefits. First, according to marijuana can be used to treat and prevent the eye disease Glaucoma. This disease increases pressure in the eyeball damaging the optic nerve and causing loss of vision. According to the National Eye Institute, marijuana actually decreases the pressure within the eye.

Business Insider also mentioned that the progression of this drug has been known to even prevent blindness. It can also help control epileptic seizures, which I have witnessed first hand. I have a friend who’s sister is prone to these seizures. Since she has been prescribed medicinal marijuana, the seizures have come to a halt. In this case scenario, the marijuana controls the seizures by binding to the brain cells that are responsible for controlling excitability and relaxation. In addition, a chemical found in marijuana has also been known to help cancer from spreading throughout the body. Cannabidiol stops cancer from spreading by turning off a gene called Id-1. Cancer cells make more copies of this gene than non-cancerous cells which helps them to then spread through the body.

However, with the use of marijuana, the cells have a decreased expansion and were less aggressive spreaders. These are just a few of the incredible medical advancements made possible through the use of marijuana. Although some may be skeptical because it is used recreationally, that doesn’t diminish the worth of the drug itself. It has helped a countless amount of people. All it took were for a few open mind ones to come along and give it a try. This is why I support medicinal marijuana.

Growing up in an open minded household has taught me a lot about the world. Mostly because I was allowed to grow up and develop my own beliefs and perceptions. I’d like to thank my mom for always inspiring me to accept others for all that they are and for encouraging me to stand up for those who can’t or won’t stand up for themselves. I am beyond blessed to have grown up with the most incredible role model. I encourage all who read this to truly think about my words and allow them to resonate with you. Are you open minded, too?

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