I have met many home-schoolers as I have grown up and have heard many mixed opinions from them. Some, well most, are good opinions and say they loved it, while others had some strong words on their parent's decision. However, one reason was a resounding negative from each person I talked to, the stereotypes.
Growing up, myself and fellow home-schoolers are always fit into a certain box. The stereotypical home-schooler box. People assume that they know what type of person I am and treat me how they feel they should treat someone like me as soon as three words leave my lips "I was home-schooled."
There are things that immediately pop into people's minds when they hear those words. Things like...
Yeeeeah, no. First off, not all home-schoolers are country folk. Second, not all home-schoolers are Catholic. Third, not all home-schoolers are heterosexual.
Okay, now that that GIF has been addressed, those aren't the only stereotypes that exist out there!
If I had a nickel for every time someone has apologized for swearing around me, I would be a millionaire! People assume that I have lived a sheltered life and it is their duty to continue to protect me from the outside world. Just because I make the decision not to swear doesn't mean that I don't know any f*cking swear words.
Another thing, I do not own a jean skirt nor full length skirts. Or denim overalls. Or a jean dress. I have skinny jeans and leggings thank you very much.
If I never mentioned growing up home-schooled, you wouldn't know that I was. However, growing up home-schooled is a part of me that I love and embrace. Some people don't embrace it and they shouldn't be forced to just so they can fit in your box.
The experience I had growing up home-schooled has been an amazing one for me. I grew up close with my family who love and care for me. My parents were great about not sheltering us by signing us up for the swim team and taking us to events where we made friends.
So yes, I have friends other than my family. And those friends are not home-schooled!
Believe it or not, I don't work on a farm or at my church for a job either. I have a minimum wage job just like every other college student.
Believe it or not, I grew up with a bully. She lived in my neighborhood, making it hard to even go outside my house to play.
Believe it or not, I don't have long hair down past my hips.
Believe it or not, I love Harry Potter and Supernatural! Scandalous, I know.
So stop fitting us in these stereotypical boxes! We are much cooler than those stereotypes make us out to be!
Take some time and get to know us. Show actual interest and ask questions, we don't bite.