Growing up in a half-Arab household is complex, yet amazing. You’re raised in a mixture of two different cultures and have a unique perception — you’re able to relate to multiple beliefs and societies, yet feel whole on your own. It’s a diverse upbringing that nurtures your knowledge of the world and opens your mind to new and miscellaneous subjectivity. Whether you’re Skyping your middle eastern relatives and failing miserably to understand anything drenched in their heavy accents, or stuffing your face with your grandma’s tabouli — being half Arab is definitely all kinds of fun.
1. Your eyebrows aren’t terrifying. Thank God for the non-Arab genes in your body.

2. You’re racially ambiguous. Half Italian? Half Mexican? Half Asian? Nope, you’re half Lebanese. But nobody can ever figure that out. So, like, what are you?

3. Not knowing fluent Arabic will haunt you for the rest of your life. That could have been so cool! 
4. Nobody ever knows how to pronounce your name, ever. It's casual.

5. Your hair straightener is a very good, trusty, loyal friend.

6. Your Dad is not Dad. He’s Buba. It’s not weird, it’s totally normal. People who have Dads and not Bubas are the weird ones.

7. The thought of eating pork makes you gag.

8. Your relatives overseas wonder why you don’t wear the Hijab. Oops! Sorry! (Actually not sorry).

9. If you make a terrorist joke around me, we won’t be friends anymore.

10. None of your siblings look alike.

11. And at the end of the day, you are equally thankful for both of your cultures and love every bit of your unique diversity.

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