Growing up as a girl, you learn a lot of things very quickly.
You learn that when you sit down, you're supposed to cross your legs because that's the "lady-like" thing to do.
You learn that if a boy is mean to you or makes fun of you, he must like you.
You learn to never go anywhere by yourself unarmed because you're an easy target.
You learn to never allow your shoulders or anything one inch above your knee to show because that could be detrimental to a fellow male peer and his education.
You learn that it's better to keep quiet than to voice your opinion because you'd be viewed as too strong-minded.
You learn that if you don't want to have kids or get married, there must be something wrong with you. After all, isn't that our only purpose?
You learn that it's best to use the excuse, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend," to get guys to leave you alone because being respected as a woman who simply isn't interested is not enough.
You learn that if you dress nice and wear makeup, it's only to impress a guy.
You learn to always be mindful of what you wear, what you drink or where you go because if you're sexually assaulted, you may have been asking for it.
Growing up a girl is more than learning to put on makeup properly, it's more than learning about menstrual cycles and it's more than simply just being a girl.
Growing up a girl, you learn to coexist in a society that blames you for the bad things that happen to you instead of the perpetrator. Growing up a girl, you learn that a boy's education is prioritized over yours. Growing up a girl, you learn that by the age of 24, you should already be married and starting a family—who cares about a career? Growing up a girl, it's frowned upon to enjoy football, video games or hanging with the guys because then you're just seeking male attention. Growing up a girl, you are taught exactly what you're supposed to do and be from the day you can comprehend how to read and talk.
So here's to the girls who defy all these ridiculous societal expectations on a daily basis without a care in the world. This is for the independent, strong-willed, self-reliant women who value themselves so much more than to conform to the standards we've been taught. In case no ones ever told you, it's okay to not want kids, it's okay to like video games, it's okay to prioritize yourself over a boy.
IT IS OKAY TO BE YOU. After all, well behaved women rarely make history.