As every single person knows, life has its ups and downs. For some people, the downs are lower than for others. Nonetheless, this doesn't mean that everyone's problems aren't important. Every single person, no matter how young or old, how rich or poor, matters. And so do their problems. And I think that is very important for people to realize.
As you grow older, you start realizing things that weren't clear to you before. For example, many people in middle school and high school have to deal with cliques and standards and people they don't like. Bullying becomes a massive problem, and most of the time, no one ever knows. I've been in every typical middle school/high school position that you can think of. I've been the outcast, the one who doesn't fit in, the one who changes everything about me and becomes someone I never wanted to be to gain the attention that I thought I wanted.
As I have just graduated high school in May, it seems a little early to start reminiscing about what has been. However, I think it's important to look back at the ways I've changed through high school, and in the short time I have been out.
My senior year of high school really hit me hard. I hung around a lot of underclassmen because I didn't necessarily like my grade, but also because I wanted to be a good role model for them in the midst of all the bad ones. But, I also realized that I had a lot of growing up to do. I'm moving on with my life, I'll be moving out and going away to college, and I'll have to learn how to love and support myself because mommy and daddy won't be there every step of the way anymore.
So, I decided to start making changes. I fixed my mindset and set goals for myself. I started hanging out with people who weren't the best people to be around, and while I'm still looking for great people in my life, I started surrounding myself with those who love and support me and motivate me to do better. But with surrounding myself with these people, I also had to become that person for myself.
I realized I can't rely on others to be happy. It's all up to me. So, I grew up. I matured. And, it's a long process, and there's always things to learn and to fix, I have changed how I look at things.
I am happy because I want to be. I'm strong and independent because I choose to be.
After all these hard years, I've decided enough is enough. Now is when it gets good. Now is the time where I live for me and for what I want to do and how I want to be.
Life is only what you make of it. And as cliche as that sounds, it is completely true. You have the power to control yourself. Somethings are not under your control, but you can control how you react to them.