Millions come to Las Vegas, Nevada as their ideal vacation spot or to explore the many attractions that each hotel has to offer. In just one day, you could climb the pyramids of Egypt, watch knights fight from Medieval times, admire the Statue of Liberty, and have dinner on top of the Eiffel Tower. Growing up in Las Vegas, I've seen the Strip glow across the valley every night but sometimes I am still in awe at the many shining lights as they rise into the night sky.
However, there is still a darkness that hides deep down behind all of the lights. Growing up I have personally and unfortunately been affected by the dangers of Las Vegas' well-known gambling scene. I, as well as many other of my friends, have lived through having parents who have suffered from a gambling addiction. Some of them hardly even realized that this was indeed an addiction.
An "addiction" is described as "the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity," however this definition is often looked passed when people are trying to identify what a true addiction can and cannot be. In Sin City, you could find people addicted to all sorts of harmful substances or activities whether it is alcohol, drugs, or sex. Some of these I have also watched first-hand as well but I want the main focus of this article to be the dangers of being addicted to gambling.
So when and where does the fun stop? According to the Nevada Council on Problem Gambling, an organization to help families and their loved ones who struggle with gambling addiction:
"For the problem gambler, making a bet is not just about having fun or winning money. Gambling becomes an emotional response to change the way they feel. Some problem gamblers may gamble to relieve boredom or avoid feelings of anxiousness or stress. Others may gamble to ‘numb out’ when feeling helpless, guilty, or depressed."
Gamblers easily become emotionally dependent on gambling. It is like being on a high where you believe that if you keep going, you will win eventually where the reality is the extreme opposite. One of my parents was a gambling addict and had been ever since I was little. A lot of what I had witnessed had been from own experiences.
Whenever my mom and dad would get into a fight, where was more often than not, my dad would take off to the casino and put our family into more financial debt than desired. I watched my mom suffer to make the bills. Gambling affects so much more than just the gambler. Watching my mom in distress for so many years had left a huge scar on my dark past.
Because of the way gambling can tear families apart, I feel very strongly about never gambling in my life. I absolutely despise even the idea of it. Tourists outside of Vegas may view the casinos as all fun and games, but as a resident I view it as a dangerous non-stop vacation.
If you or someone you know suffers with a gambling addiction there is a 24-hour Gambling Helpline at 1-800-522-4700.