In today's society it seems that we are constantly on the move. We're consistently going, doing and being and with that comes stress, anxiety and more often than not, a lack of priority. If you are a christian in the work force or attending college you should know how vital it is to be in the word and growing in your faith. I can not stress how much implementing your faith can give you peace and bring you such comfort. So here are eleven ways to implement your faith throughout your busy schedule and life.
1. Pray throughout your day
2. Read your bible
3. Read a devotional
I often have trouble just picking up and reading my Bible. If you are like me I suggest that you read a devotional. On my phone I have an app called “Devotional” and I absolutely love it. It gives readers two devotions- one in the morning and one at night. They also allow the reader to see devotionals from the previous week (six days) so if you miss one, or want to reread one, they are there. Another great thing about the devotional app is that is has trivia and a “Bible Humor” (joke). I love this aspect because it allows you to test what you know about the Bible- and continuously learn. The app also explores the new and old testaments which is something I always look for in a devotional. I also have a one year devotional that I sometimes use as well. It is called, “At his feet” and goes through a series of topics. Devotionals are a great way to get into reading the bible but they should never replace reading the Bible completely.4.Wear your faith on your sleeve
You can literally wear your faith. If you haven’t read my post about Kerusso you should go check it out, but with companies like Kerusso, Blessed Girl, and Glorified Apparel there are so many options of how you can display your faith through something as simple as a tee-shirt.
5. Listen to positive and encouraging music
This is something I do often. I love listening to rap music. However, I hate the constant profanity and negative connotations that rap usually carries with it. Luckily a few years ago I was introduced to artists like Lecrae, Andy Mineo, and the rest of the 116 clique. Don’t get me wrong- I love some good ole T-Swift and pentatonix every now and again- but for the majority of the time I strive to listen to music that uplifts and encourages its listeners.6. Continue to be involved in your church
7. Make friends with people who share your values and reach out to people who don’t
8. Give yourself fifteen minutes of alone time
With the hustle and bustle of school- don’t forget to take tie out of your day to enjoy God’s creation- to enjoy life. Take a hike, read a book outside, go for a run, just walk outside and breathe in air, watch a sunset, look at the stars. Take time to stop and stare at God’s great creation… You won’t be sorry.9. Jot your thoughts down in a journal
10. Find or start a small group
Recently I joined a small group and found a group on campus that does bible studies throughout the week. I cannot stress the importance of growing with others, praying with others and building relationships with people in your "circles". Whether it be at work, school or even just within your group of friends devotional and bible study time is so important.