Normally I don't talk about political issues, not because I'm afraid of hate comments or anything like that, but because no one can have a civilconversation about politics without someone getting offended. Now, I know that I am a week late to the party, but by posting this a week after all the craziness, I am hoping that people will be calmer and have clearer heads.
As you all know, Donald Trump is officially America's president as of January 20, 2017. Now let me just say wow. This wow is not a he's-not-my-president type of wow (which, by the way, if you live in America, then he is your president). It is an I-am-so-disappointed-in-America's-reaction wow. Let me elaborate. When Donald Trump was first elected, it caused a nationwide temper tantrum.
Now, before you start disagreeing with me, let me tell you why I say this. I have a 3-year-old nephew, and when he doesn't get his way, he gets very upset and grumpy. He does not want you to talk to him or try to change his mind in any way because he believes that he is right. Now doesn't that sound a lot like some people right after Trump became president-elect?
People took to the streets. They were grumpy and angry, and boy-oh-boy, if you said anything, they were going to get in your face and get loud. That's what this is about right?
Who can yell the loudest?
Well America, the America who voted for Trump and who is tired of being silent, now is your chance. It's your chance to yell. Be loud and be heard.
After the news of the election, I was again so very disappointed in America's reaction, particularly the reaction of grown adults who have children and of women. The reaction of millennials was to be expected, but the reaction of parents, educators, doctors, and employers? That was ridiculous.
What are you teaching your kids? To complain when things don't go your way.
You are showing the next generation that if things don't work out exactly as you had hoped you lay on the ground and start screaming; you cry; you do everything in your power to show the world that you are upset. Who cares? Pick yourself off the ground and get on with it.
Life isn't fair. Remember that one? The saying that our parents instilled in us since we were little.
Now, months later, Donald Trump is officially the President of the United States. The reaction is the same; actually, it's worse. The reaction this time was to boycott the Inauguration and to march because you are so angry. I, for one, am happy that these people who are so upset boycotted the inauguration so we could watch our president be sworn into office in peace.
Now, I address female protesters. The women who believe it was so important to march and protest and raise their fist to the sky.
Congratulations, you set women back 50 years. Congratulations, you proved men right. You just proved that women are impulsive, only act on their emotions, and are naggers and complainers. You just proved that we can't think clearly when our emotions are "out of whack" and a lot of men will some it up as "Oh they were all just PMSing". So congrats feminists of America, all the progress that we made has now been discredited because you were upset about something.
Some women claim that this march was just as important as the march that gained women the right to vote. How can you compare the two? Those women had one goal and that was to be able to vote and have a voice in the American political system. I am honestly ashamed at the way that women have used that voice in recent years.
Rather than making progress and pushing through the obstacles that try to keep us down, we complain and rant and rave and march. You claim it's "our body our rights"; you say "no uterus, no opinion"; you chant "Free the nipple". What does this accomplish? Oh right, now you can kill a living thing that miraculously grows in your body (by amazing design our bodies are made and equipped to carry babies), you can harm yourself in any way you want and walk around naked in public. Wow, some real great accomplishments there.
If you want to make a real difference then stop calling each other sluts and whores. Stop being mean to each other and degrading each other. You are worth so much more than that; you get mad at men for saying such cruel things to women when you yourself are saying horrible things. If you want a real change it has to start with you, no law or march or boycott is going to improve the situation when there is so much hate being spread by women themselves.
Speaking of degrading talk, you get so upset at all the allegations about Trump, but let us remember something. Trump is a 70-year-old man. Do you know a 70-year-old man who doesn't put his foot in his mouth from time to time? If you do, I would love to meet this man and shake his hand because he has never said anything offensive in his entire life.
It's going to happen simply because of his age and the time frame of the life that he has lived. I think we all have been there to witness the embarrassment of something our grandparents have said that isn't exactly politically correct in this day and age.
That brings up something else. There are very few sentences nowadays that don't offend someone. Political correctness is a disease within our society; everyone has to tiptoe around the issues just so no one's feelings get hurt. I am so thankful for all the times that my feelings have been hurt because it helped make me the person I am today. It toughened me up, and I hope it helps prepare me for the future.
Yes, I am tired and frustrated.
I am tired of being silenced and shut down and told that all my opinions are wrong and ignorant. I am tired of being called names.
Now, here is where I stand: I love people, all people. I think everyone has a valid opinion and has valid beliefs. I think that conversations and communication are important; in fact, it is so important that it is the key to having successful relationships. Some might argue that the marchers are communicating, but these are not conversations. Instead, these are complaints and one sided opinions harrassing the other side.
I see the slogan "Love Trumps Hate". Well, stop spreading hate, stop the riots and stop destroying businesses. Stop blockading streets and making it impossible for people to go anywhere just because you didn't get your way. Stop making America pay because you are unhappy.
What would the world be like if we made everyone pay for our unhappiness?
Oh yeah, it would be pretty similar to this; a divided country with riots everywhere and death rate increasing, crime rates rising, and racial tension becoming more and more heightened.
It would be a society in which it is dangerous for those who just wish to stay out of the fray because they become collateral damage.
It would be a society in which there would be no freedoms because everyone would be a slave to hate. This is where our country is heading towards a land filled with slaves to hate and fear and ignorance.
Our country is headed this way, not because Donald Trump is our president, but because people are trying to punish others because they are unhappy.
Grow up America. Life isn't fair, and yet, it goes on.