Groutfit. Whoever invented this word had no taste for a pleasing term. This word is on the level of moist. But in this day and age, weird words are ubiquitous and will eventually claw their way into your vocabulary. I first heard groutfit in the place where new discoveries are always happening -- Cornell University. (Many thanks to Big Red for expanding my mind!) Since then it's as if all I see are groutfits. My world had been completely changed by one word, and then I realized the stigma behind it. People thought groutfits were lame!? Or, if you would, a fashion faux pas. As someone who consistently wears all black -- or a blackout -- according to Urban Dictionary, I was worried that monochromatic outfits were weird. Was the reason I had no friends because of my fashion choices? Maybe. Should I test this hypothesis? Should I wear groutfits until my final companion has to abandon me, as I journey to become a social outcast? Probably shouldn't.
While I'm not performing this world class experiment, I will share the dos and don'ts of groutfits, for those who are unsure of how to rock them.
Do have fun in your groutfit.
Yeah, they can be made to be business attire, but I'm 98 percent sure that groutfits were made so people could have a good time -- right?
DON'T get too matchy-matchy with your greys.
While it is important to match if you are wearing a suit, casual groutfits being the exact shade of grey can come off strange. You aren't some weirdo whose mom buys them matching sweatsuits to wear to phys. ed. You are better than that! When it comes to casual, keep the shades of gray different.
Do dress it up!
Who says that groutfits are for being lazy and going to the library (a.k.a. ordering out and watching Netflix.) A groutfit can make for an amazing ensemble to wear to class, work or on a date -- but who are we kidding.
Don't forget about summer.
Summer is the perfect time to be lazy and not put effort into your appearance, but a groutfit is the perfect outfit for this occasion. A summer groutfit allows for a comfortable and cute way to look (damn) good. Just because you've been rocking a groutfit all winter doesn't mean your go to outfit has to disappear as the seasons change. Where is the justice in this world if you can't have groutfits all year round!?!
Do always remember